Special fund-raiser continues in area

Published 6:00 am Monday, November 18, 2002

It’s a dream come true for any child wishing to have a privatespace to call their own. The dream playhouse is being given away injust a few weeks to one lucky child in the area.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Brookhaven will not only make thatdream come true, but the non-profit organization will also make thewishes of a number of seriously ill children a reality through thefund raiser.

“We are currently working on almost 50 wishes for Mississippichildren,” said Make-A-Wish president and CEO T.J. McSparin. “At anaverage wish cost of $5,000, it is… a tremendous challenge toensure the funds are available to grant these wishes.”

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A donation of $1 will buy the chance to win an 8-foot-by-8-footchild’s playhouse, complete with light fixtures, electricity anddecorative paint.

The playhouse is being built in Lincoln County by McCafferyConstruction through donations from The DAILY LEADER, Bank ofBrookhaven, Trustmark and First Bank.

It has a retail value of $8,000-$12,000, said Holly PerkinsSlay, one of the Brookhaven volunteers coordinating the fundraiser.

“I’m so excited about the playhouse. It’s absolutely adorableand would make a darling early Christmas gift for any family,” shesaid.

The playhouse will be given away on Dec. 13, at a drawing heldat either Mamie Martin Elementary School or Brookhaven ElementarySchool.

The two schools are competing in a penny drive to raise moneyfor Make-A-Wish. The school that collects the most pennies willhost the drawing.

“I encourage parents to help their children get involved withhelping other children by collecting pennies,” said Slay.

Tickets for the drawing can be purchased at The DAILY LEADER,King’s Daughters Therapy Center, Expectations, Beyond the Rainbowand Becker and Associates. Tickets can also be obtained by callingSlay from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at 833-6961,or Lenita Watts at 835-2000.

“This is a fund raiser everyone can get involved in,” saidMcSparin. “Parents can buy tickets for their children, and kids caneven enter themselves. Grandparents can purchase tickets in honorof their grandchildren and employers can buy tickets as extraChristmas happies for their employees who have children.”

The playhouse will be displayed around the Brookhaven area untilthe drawing. One of the designated display areas will be at the”All Around the Christmas Tree” open house at the VFW Hall on Nov.23 and 24. Tickets will be available at the event.

Slay hopes the playhouse being on display will give people theopportunity to see how special it is, so they will help supportMake-A-Wish.

“Make-A-Wish is an organization that has really touched myheart,” she said. “I’ve worked with Make-A-Wish for about fouryears and have worked on about 30 wishes. Every child has left alasting impression.”

For those who don’t want a playhouse but want to support thefoundation, tribute cards are available to honor friends, familyand business associates in lieu of or in addition to Christmasgifts. Make-A-Wish also is offering Christmas cards printed withthe artwork of Wish children at $15 for a box of 24 cards.