PE students to wear uniforms
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 25, 2002
In an effort to establish a clear dress code for physicaleducation classes, Brookhaven School District’s board membersTuesday approved the requirement of uniforms in such classes.
Students will be required to purchase a uniform for about $13.The uniforms, which will consist of shorts and a T-shirt with a BHSlogo, will be used beginning in January 2003 for the secondsemester of physical education classes.
“Once that semester is over with, they will keep theiruniforms,” said Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds.
Physical education students in grades nine through 12 will berequired to have the uniforms. Bounds explained to board membersthat the cost of the uniforms could be waived in some special needssituations.
In other discussion Tuesday, board president Amy Valentine askedBounds about the number of fund raisers in the district that seemedto have increased this year.
“We’re an active district. It takes a little extra to go firstclass,” he said.
Also in financial matters, the board reviewed and approved theclaims docket and financial report for August.
Only a few items were out of the ordinary and caught the board’sattention. The most notable was an increase in electricity billsfor the district.
“They were a little higher in August, but that is in line withwhat we usually have during this time frame,” said Susan Quin,finance director for the district.
In 16th Section matters, the board approved a recommendation tohave Section 16-7-8 appraised before making a decision on whetherto lease it for a radio tower.
At the last board meeting, the board expressed concerns abouthow leasing the land could potentially have a negative effect onindustries moving into the area. After the appraisal, the matterwill be brought before the board again.
The monthly meeting was closed with an executive session on astudent transfer. The next meeting will be held at 6 p.m., Oct. 22,in the central office.