School accountability
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 3, 2002
Accountability in education is an important aspect of preparingstudents for the future.
Brookhaven and Lincoln County citizens will have an opportunityto learn about and voice their opinions on a state educationaccountability plan Thursday at 7 p.m. at Brookhaven High School.Brookhaven is the first stop in a series of public meetings,sponsored by the Public Education Forum and Parents for PublicSchools, around the state.
The meetings follow an earlier series of gatherings that helpeddevelop the report, Mississippians Say: Make Accountability Count.Highlights of the report will be discussed at Thursday’s meetingand the public will have a chance to offer input.
Parents for Public Schools officials say everyone, students,parents, teachers, businesses, faith-based and other communityorganizations, can play a role in education accountability.
Jim Barksdale, former chief executive officer of Netscape, willbe the featured speaker Thursday. The Barksdale Reading Institutewas created and designed to improve student reading skills in thestate.
A group of Brookhaven and Lincoln County education supportersparticipated in the initial hearings that helped create theaccountability report.
Now, others in this community have a chance to participate asaccountability standards take another step forward. When it comesto accountability in education, we encourage our citizens to attendThursday’s meeting and let our voices count.