Secretary is charged with fraud

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 30, 2002

A Bogue Chitto woman was arrested Friday afternoon on charges ofembezzlement and wire fraud.

Kathy M. Bonnabel, 48, of 1103 Auburn Drive, has been chargedwith embezzling from her former employer, lawyer and cityprosecutor Raymond Boutwell, and transmitting fraudulentinformation.

“There’s not much I can say. The case is still underinvestigation,” said Assistant Police Chief Nolan Jones.

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More charges may be added, according to District Attorney DannySmith.

“The case is still under investigation and other charges will beforthcoming,” Smith said.

Bonnabel, who was released Friday evening on a $75,000 bond,worked with Boutwell for several years, Jones said. She was firedsome time after Boutwell discovered some missing funds, headded.

“This investigation has been going on since July 3,” Jones said.”He found he had some funds missing at that point and held aninventory and audit of his paperwork.”

Jones declined to comment on how much money was missing.

Smith said investigators have conducted several searches whileworking the case.

“We executed a search warrant on her residence” about two weeksago, he said.

A second search warrant was used on Bonnabel’s safety depositbox at Trustmark National Bank Monday morning.

“At the residence there was some evidence found, but at the oneyesterday no evidence was found,” Jones said.

Jones said he was confident they would have sufficient evidenceto present to the grand jury.

“The case will be presented to the Lincoln County Grand Jury theweek of August 27,” Smith said.

Bonnabel refused comment, and Boutwell was unavailable forcomment.