More work planned at playground
Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 9, 2002
Volunteers are needed Friday and Saturday at Kids Kingdom to putthe finishing touches on the community park.
“We need as many people as we can get. We have a lot of smallprojects left to do,” said Sally Doty, Kids Kingdom co-chairman.
Work days are scheduled for Friday beginning at 8 a.m. andcontinuing until dark, and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon.
“We have a lot of small projects, nothing real big,” said Doty.”If we could get at least 20 folks out there in the morning and 20folks out there in the afternoon we’ll have most of the workdone.”
Volunteers may come at any time and work for any amount of time.They are needed for jobs like staining wood, building four morebenches, cleaning up, landscaping and spreading mulch.
“We also need to put another coat of sealer on. We really needsome extra people Friday morning to help with that because only afew people have committed to helping so far,” said Doty.
Some dirt work will be done as well with flowers being plantedFriday, she added. If the weather is nice, one of the big projectswill be laying the engraved bricks, which were purchased by localresidents and businesses.
“There’s some people who wanted the bricks they purchased to beput together, and they can do that by coming out Friday,” she said.”We’ll also be working on the pickets, painting them and puttingthem back up.”
Pizza will be provided for dinner Friday night and donuts willbe available for breakfast Saturday for volunteers.
Doty said volunteers may bring their children to Kids Kingdom toplay during the work days.
She pointed out that the playground has become a popular placefor children and adults alike since its dedication in April. Sheadded that the work of volunteers during the five-day build haspaid off as the community finds enjoyment at the playground.
Most people have helped to take care of the park, but a fewproblems have been reported during the past month, said Doty.
Food and drinks are not allowed in the playground because even atiny drop of food or spill can attract ants. No pets or tobaccoproducts are allowed inside the gated area.
“If adults would really help us with that and respect theplayground, that would be wonderful,” said Doty.