Reid new head of Rec. Dept.; complex to bear King’s name

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, May 8, 2002

Brookhaven aldermen Tuesday voted to dedicate the city’s sportscomplex to the late Hansel King and were introduced to Terry Reid,who has been named successor to the city’s long-time recreationdepartment director.

Aldermen voted unanimously to join the Brookhaven ParkCommission in honoring King, who died April 17, with the sportscomplex dedication. Officials cited King’s 36 years as recreationdepartment director and his impact on countless numbers of childrenthrough the years.

“He made a tremendous influence,” said Ward 6 Alderman John E.”Buddy” Allen in making the motion.

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Ward 2 Alderman Terry Bates, who often sparred with King overrecreation matters during city board meetings, also praised thedirector. Recalling some past incidents, Bates said he and Kingwould “disagree to agree later.”

“I had a lot of respect for him,” Bates said. “You can lookaround the city and see what he’s done.”

In requesting the sports complex dedication, Brookhaven ParkCommission Chairman Roland Wall discussed King’s role in developingthe department. Wall said Brookhaven currently has over $4 millionworth of recreational facilities.

Grand opening ceremonies for the sports complex were held inAugust 1994. Through his contacts and work, King was able to havethe estimated $289,000 main complex building constructed for around$150,000, Wall said.

“This is Hansel in action,” Wall said.

Wall also recalled King’s work to get the Multi-Use Facilitybuilt and his work to transform the old National Guard Armory intothe new department headquarters.

“He has done a magnificent job of turning that into a facilitythat is second to none,” Wall said.

Alderman at large Les Bumgarner, a former member of the parkcommission for 16 years, also acknowledged King’s efforts.

“If or when they have a hall of fame for parks and recreation,Hansel will go in on the first ballot,” Bumgarner said.

Wall said King also helped prepare the city for the future whenhe hired Reid as assistant director three years ago. Wall said thecity was fortunate to have Reid, who majored in parks andrecreation at the University of Southern Mississippi.

“Hansel prepared us and put us in pretty darn good shape,” Wallsaid.

Reid, 51, worked in various construction jobs around the countrybefore joining the city recreation department. He said it would bea challenge to follow King.

“It’s big shoes to fill,” Reid said. “We’ve got a lot of work todo.”

Also, Reid was recently named by the Amateur SoftballAssociation to King’s position as District 7 commissioner. District7 includes the southwest Mississippi area.

Reid said the commissioner has a great say in where ASAtournaments are held. He said his appointment would allowBrookhaven to continue to host those tournaments each year.

“We can keep our people coming in two to three weekends everysummer and keep getting that exposure,” Reid said.

During last night’s meeting, Bates did question procedures forhiring the recreation department director. He said he wanted tomake sure the city was doing the right thing in how the position isfilled.

Wall responded that by-laws that created the park commissiongive it the authority to hire the recreation department director.He said aldermen have input through budget approval and appointmentof park commission members.

“We do all the hiring and firing,” Wall said about commissionduties.

Recreation officials indicated a sports complex dedicationservice could be held in the summer. Reid said it would take sometime to have a sign made, and King’s wife, Mary Lou, who iscurrently out of town, asked that the event be held when she andother family members could attend.