Family recovering after wreck
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 22, 2002
The four occupants of a vehicle involved in a two-car fatalaccident on Highway 84 Wednesday night are recovering at a Jacksonhospital today, according to a family member.
Amy Smith and her two children — Jessica and Caitlin — areunder the care of doctors at University Medical Center aftersuffering several injuries, said relative Wanza McGuffie.
Amy Smith’s mother-in-law, Joanne Beeson Smith, was releasedfrom King’s Daughters Medical Center Thursday afternoon after herfive-year-old granddaughter, Jessica, was transferred to UMC.
“She’s doing good, but just really sore. She’s glad to be withher family,” said McGuffie.
Jessica, who was seatbelted in the backseat of her mother’svehicle during the accident suffered damage to her intestines.
“She had surgery to fix that yesterday. She came out of surgeryabout 8 o’clock last night and she’s doing good,” said McGuffie.”She’s a tough little girl.”
Jessica’s seven-year-old sister, Caitlin, also appears to be atrooper, said McGuffie. Caitlin appears to have suffered similardamage to her intestines and may have to undergo surgery aswell.
Their mother, Amy, underwent surgery to remove her spleenThursday morning and was expected to have surgery on her two brokenlegs and broken arm around 11 a.m. Friday, said McGuffie.
McGuffie said the family has been showered with phone calls andprayers since the Wednesday accident on Highway 84 about a mileeast of East Lincoln Road.
Amy’s husband, Eric, said the family appreciates all of themedical personnel and firefighters who worked hard to save hisfamily.
“They put an extra effort into helping my family and Iappreciate that,” said Eric Smith, adding that he is also thankfulfor the concerned citizens who stopped to assist his wife, motherand daughters.
The driver of the second vehicle, Edward E. Leavitt, 42, of 1066Highway 51, Bogue Chitto, died in the head-on collision. Funeralarrangements for Leavitt, under the direction of Brookhaven FuneralHome, are incomplete.