Lost hunter led to safety
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 28, 2002
A search for a hunter who became lost and disoriented near theBogue Chitto River ended happily when he was led out around 8:30p.m. Saturday.
“He was cold and wet, but he was OK. I didn’t see any real needfor medical attention,” said Lincoln County Civil Defense DirectorClifford Galey.
According to Galey, the man, believed to be in his earlytwenties, went hunting around noon with some friends in a largepatch of woods near the river between Pricedale Road and Highway51. When he became separated from his friends, he began wanderingto find a way out.
“He got turned around and it got dark,” Galey said. “He foundthe river, but he didn’t know which way to go.”
The man began yelling for help. Fortunately, a county residentwith a campsite across the river heard him calling and dialed911.
“Thank goodness some citizen heard him hollering and called forhelp,” Galey said.
Before long, Galey said, at least 20 people from the LincolnCounty Sheriff’s Office, Civil Defense, Bogue Chitto and Hog ChainVolunteer Fire Departments arrived to help him. The MississippiHighway Patrol also helped in the search.
At first, the idea of crossing to him in a boat was considered.They could hear him, but could not see him.
“I hollered at him through the trees and across the river, but Icouldn’t see him,” Galey said.
Eventually, however, searchers closed in on his position bytrekking into the woods from Pricedale Road and Highway 51. Theystayed in contact by yelling, and led him out.