Two get time in state prison
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 10, 2002
A Bogue Chitto man was sentenced to 14 years in prison afterbeing convicted earlier of child fondling, and a Brookhaven man wastold to do the “best you can” on serving 120 years on drug chargesafter being sentenced as an habitual offender Wednesday in LincolnCounty Circuit Court.
Timothy Dupuis, formerly of 1016 North Jackson St., was orderedto serve 168 consecutive months, or 14 years, of a 15-year sentenceafter being convicted Jan. 4 of touching, handling or feeling achild for lustful purposes. Judge Mike Smith ordered the sentenceserved day-for-day with no possibility of parole or other earlyrelease.
The final year of the sentence was suspended for five yearsprobation, during which time Dupuis is to have no contact with thevictim or her immediate family. Smith said the probation periodwould give the victim and her family an additional four years ofcomfort over the maximum sentence.
Dupuis, whose criminal record included two earlier indecentexposure charges, had been charged with sexual battery inconnection with an April 16 incident involving a 10-year-old girlat his Brookhaven residence. However, the jury convicted him on thelesser child fondling charge.
The victim’s mother said Wednesday it had taken her daughtereight months to get over the incident.
“I’m glad she had the chance to come here, give her that peaceand move on finally,” the mother said.
Dupuis was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine and to obtainwhatever psychiatric treatment is available while he isincarcerated.
In other sentencing, William E. “Bill” Cannon, 45, was sentencedto 120 years in prison following his Dec. 6 conviction on chargesof unlawful delivery of methamphetamine and unlawful possession ofthe drug. With a prior attempted murder conviction in Texas and anearlier drug-related conviction in Lincoln County, Cannon wassentenced as an habitual offender, with the normal maximum penaltyenhanced to the 120 years.
“You’ve been a thorn in law enforcement’s side for some time,”Smith told Cannon during sentencing.
The judge said Cannon fell into the category of someone whocould not be rehabilitated.
“There’s not any sentence I can give you that would change yourattitude toward obeying the law,” Smith said.
Smith ordered Cannon’s sentence served day-for-day with nopossibility of parole. Cannon was also ordered to pay a total of $2million in fines.
Attorneys Sam Wilkins and Julie Epps, who are handling an appealfor Cannon, were rejected in their objections to his beingsentenced as an habitual and other issues. Wilkins also cited caselaw indicating it was “excessive” to sentence someone beyond theirlife expectancy, but Smith said there were instances were peoplehave lived a long time.
“You’ll just have to do the best you can,” Smith said.
Three other drug-related indictments against Cannon will not beprosecuted, court officials said.
Also Wednesday, Glen E. Smith, 42, of 352 East Cherokee St., wasordered to serve the first 30 minutes of a three-year sentenceafter pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit first degree arsonrelated to his role in a plot to burn a historic Brookhaven home tocollect an insurance settlement. The man was given credit for timeserved.
The remainder of the sentence was to be served under two yearsof post release supervision. Smith was also to pay a $1,000 fineand $250 to the Crime Victims Compensation Fund.