Miller, Baldwin MVPs at Wesson Banquet
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 8, 2002
WESSON – Seniors Billy Ray Miller and Kail Baldwin wererecipients of the Most Valuable Player Awards in football andslowpitch softball respectively during Saturday night’s WessonAthletic Banquet held at the school cafeteria.
Both football and slowpitch softball teams won their Region 6-2Achampionships this season.
Senior Jon Decker was presented with the Jim Lowery AttitudeAward.
Other football award winners include Marcus Corley and B.R.Miller, team captains; B.R. Miller, Most Valuable Offensive Back;Richie Miller, Most Valuable Defensive Back; Charles Powell andMatt Dyess, Defensive Lineman Award; Ryan Williams, Most Improved;Robert Bishop, Offensive Lineman Award; Nick Gunter, Special Teamsand Offseason Award, Corley.
Award winners in slowpitch softball included Maggie Johnson,Team Captain; Baldwin, Most Valuable Defensive Player; BrittanySmith, Most Valuable Offensive Player; Hayley Carr, Miss Hustle;Amanda Jackson, Most Improved and Summer Easterling, Newcomer ofthe Year.