Long-time coach resigning
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, December 18, 2001
A long-time teacher and coach will officially bring his morethan 30-year career to a close in Lincoln County at the end of thissemester.
A letter of resignation from Roe Burns, who has served in theLincoln County School District for the last 21 years, washesitantly approved Monday at the school board meeting.
Although Burns could not be reached for comment, his letterstated he thought the West Lincoln football team, which he hascoached for a year, needed a young and energetic coach.
He coached high school football for a number of years at LoydStar Attendance Center. His resignation will be effective Dec. 21,which is the last day of school for the fall semester.
Burns will be temporarily replaced by Ben Burns (no relation),who has substituted for the district.
“He will be called on an as-needed basis until we find someone,”Superintendent of Education Perry Miller explained to board membersabout the substitute.
In other matters, Miller updated board members on the status ofa pending legal matter concerning Sixteenth Section land.
After a court appearance earlier this month, he and Stan Long,Sixteenth Section manager, came to the conclusion that a lawyerwould be needed to represent the district in the small judicialmatter involving the awarding of a Sixteenth Section landlease.
Miller joked with board members saying the matter was notserious, but was a little more difficult to understand than heinitially thought.
“We learned we weren’t lawyers,” he said.
The next school board meeting will be held at 10 a.m., Jan. 8 inthe career center at Loyd Star Attendance Center, where boardmembers plan to start their annual school tours.