Rainer running in New York City
Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 1, 2001
Brookhaven’s Johnny Rainer is running in the New York CityMarathon. The event is Sunday, starting at 10:40 a.m. and it willbe carried on the NBC network. Around 32,000 runners from acrossthe nation and around the world are expected to compete in the26-mile race.
Rainer, 51, stays in peak physical condition. He is running inhis 18th marathon and has been in the Boston Marathon twice.
It will be a family-style vacation. They leave Friday. “Lisa andthe girls are all going to go so we will make it a familyouting.”
With all the events resulting from Sept. 11, the theme is”United We Run.” The race organizers have developed a fund-raiserwith the run and hope to raise $1 million.
This is the 32nd running of the the New York City Marathon. Itis sponsored by the New York City Roadrunners Club.
Rainer ran it in 1997 and he remembers the rainy day. “I had apretty good run going and then it started to rain at the 15-milemark. It became a struggle in 50-degree weather to finish.”
Asked about favorites, Rainer said, “The Kenyans have dominatedthe race for the last six or seven years. First prize is $80,000plus an automobile. There are some extra incentives for improvingthe course record time.”
Rainer said he enjoys the variety of scenery along the route.”What makes New York so unique is that you get to run through allfive boroughs of the city. You get to see all the historicallandmarks.”
Rainer said about 18 runners from Mississippi have been selectedto run. The race officials use a lottery format. “From about 100,00entrants they select 32,000. This is the first year my name hascome up.”
In past races, he has served as coach of the Leukemia Team inTraining. “That was in the San Diego Rock-n-Roll Marathon and theNashville Country Music Marathon.”
Rainer began running when he was 35 years old. He said he hasbeen practicing hard for three months to prepare for New York City,increasing the mileage each week. He runs about 50 miles a week.Long runs are from 20-24 miles. He hopes to complete Sunday’smarathon in three hours and 45 minutes.
Like most major marathons, several minutes are wasted at thestart of the race. The mass of humanity takes many minutes just toreach the starting line. “It is so congested at the start,” saidRainer. “You have to run about 10 miles before people get out ofyour running path and you can run comfortably.”
The route will cross the 59th Street bridge near the area of theWorld Trade Center ruins. People say you don’t realize themagnitude of the destruction until you see it in person.
When last seen, Professor Hoopla, B.S., was attempting to catchthe ice cream wagon as it meandered through downtown Brookhaven.Hoopla deposited his weekly list of predictions through the frontdoor mail slot. He’ll start with a Thursday night community collegespecial.
Jones County at Co-Lin: With the South Division title safelysecured, the Bobcats must beware of a letdown in Wesson tonight.Jones 24-21.
Brookhaven at Lawrence County: A record crowd turns out for thisheated rivalry. Cougars ride their horses to victory. LawrenceCounty 28-16.
Dexter at Enterprise: This is a must-win situation for bothRegion 4-1A teams. Yellow Jackets get lucky. Enterprise 21-18.
Brookhaven Academy at Wilkinson Academy: It’s another must-winsituation for the playoff-bound Cougars. Brookhaven Academy20-12.
Natchez Cathedral at Bogue Chitto: Bobcats have several scoresto settle on Troy Smith Field. Bogue Chitto 26-16.
McLaurin at Loyd Star: Hornets must record a triumph to gain thehome field advantage for the opening round of the state playoffs.Loyd Star 30-12.
West Lincoln at St. Aloysius: Flashes author a win over thevisiting Bears. St. Al 19-7.
Franklin County at Wilkinson County: There’s a football factoryoperating in Woodville. Wilkinson County 26-16.
In other area games, North Pike should ambush Amite County21-12, Hazlehurst should crush Crystal Springs 42-6, Copiah Academyshould clip Central Hinds 10-7, and South Pike should elude McComb22-21. Parklane has an open date to contemplate its future.
After feasting on a large slice of his wife’s delicious coconutpie, Hoopla looks at Saturday’s collegiate scene.
Arkansas at Ole Miss: Rebels should have their hands full forthis barbeque pork roast in Oxford. Ole Miss 27-18.
Kentucky at Mississippi State: After an open date, you won’t beable to tell MSU’s starters without a program. State 28-21.
Southern Miss at Penn State: National television will bring outthe best in the Golden Eagles but Joe Paterno will add another winto his legend. Penn State 28-17.
Valley State at Alcorn State: Professor Johnny Thomas directshis Braves to another SWAC victory. Alcorn State 38-12.
North Carolina A&T at Jackson State: Tigers celebrateanother triumph. Jackson State 28-10.
In other Magnolia State action, Delta State should dump ArkansasTech 21-10, Union should ambush Belhaven 17-9, Rhodes should handleMillsaps 24-14 and Mississippi College should convert TexasLutheran 31-7.