Good weather
Published 5:00 am Friday, October 26, 2001
A month with little rainfall recorded in Lincoln County gaveconstruction workers at Brookhaven High School an opportunity tocatch up on some work days missed earlier this year.
“We’re still behind, but we’ve had a pretty good month,” RobertFreeman of Barranco Architects and Carothers ConstructionManagement told Brookhaven School Board members Thursday at theirmonthly meeting.
He added that the project should be completed by the end ofDecember or beginning of January.
Roof work on the new high school buildings are near completion,along with most of the ceiling tile, sheetrock and floor tile, hesaid.
Freeman told board members that the front of the school was alsogetting closer to completion.
“We did get all of the (construction) trailers out of the way,and we’re getting ready for them to start working on thelandscaping,” he said.
As work in the west building draws to a close, constructionworkers plan to install lab equipment in the science classroomsnext week.
Board members were pleased with the report and anticipateviewing the final results soon.
In other matters, school board members approved the Septemberfinancial report and claims docket, presented by new businessmanager Susan Quin.
The only item in question was a $2,000 electricity bill fromlast month for the baseball field.
“We run lights every night, all night long to deter break-inssince we had a few at the beginning of the year,” Superintendent ofEducation Dr. Sam Bounds explained to board vice chairman AmyValentine, who noticed the large bill.
Board members gave their approval on the use of the lights forthat purpose.
The Brookhaven School District received a number of largedonations during the last month, including $6,000 from theBrookhaven Elementary PTA for playground renovations, a digitalcamera, playground equipment, a television/VCR combo and $1,400total from individuals and businesses.
Bounds also pointed out that the BHS newspaper was “veryimpressive” and its production will be boosted by a $3,000 grantfrom the Newspaper Association of America.
The BHS Marching Band brought back all-superior ratings from arecent Southwest Mississippi competition where students competedagainst 12 other schools.
The next scheduled school board meeting will be at 6 p.m., Nov.27, at the district office building on Court Street.