Two Lawrence Co. men facing burglary charges
Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 25, 2001
LAWRENCE COUNTY — A Monticello man and an Oakvale man werearrested earlier this week in connection with three recent areahouse burglaries, according to authorities.
Kenny Johnson, 21, of Monticello, and Joe Lee, 19, of Oakvale,were both charged with burglary after they were connected toseveral recovered stolen items, said Sheriff’s Deputy WillieWallace.
“We got a tip on where some of the stolen guns were, and thatgot us started on a lead,” said Wallace, who was assisted byOfficers Adrian Ready and Heather Sistrunk.
Several guns, televisions, VCRs and DVD players were recoveredby the sheriff’s department this week in Pike and Jefferson DavisCounties.
“We’ve retrieved all of the merchandise except one pistol and acd player,” Wallace added.
The items were taken in the last few weeks during the earlymorning hours when homeowners were not present. No one was harmedin any of the burglaries, according to Wallace.
Wallace attributes the recovery of the stolen items to thewillingness of concerned citizens to help the sheriff’sdepartment.
“Everything fell into place. It just worked out for us,” hesaid.
Authorities were also aided in their efforts by one of the menarrested, who helped them locate some of the items from the secondburglary.
“He confessed to another burglary when we were questioning himabout the first one,” Wallace said.