Sewer work gets review by county

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Lincoln County supervisors will review construction plans for aField Lark Lane sewer system improvements project before issuingneeded county permits for the work, officials decided Monday.

Engineer Jeff Green updated supervisors on the city projectduring Monday’s board meeting. The sewer line project runs alongHighway 51 to Industrial Park Road to Union Street and wouldrequire county road-cutting permits.

“This is about the only way we’ve got left to go,” Green said,referring to the modified route following negotiations withlandowners to get needed access to do the work.

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City officials have had several meetings with landowners in aneffort to get needed easements, which would allow contractors to goon private property to do the work. Some landowners have balked atthe latest requests after they said the city failed to followthrough on promises made 30 years ago when another sewer systemproject was pursued.

“We’ve had limited success in getting some easements,” Greensaid, while also discussing plans for sewer improvements east ofHighway 51. “We’re going to do our best to not disturb as manypeople as we can.”

With easement and other delays, city officials sought andreceived an extension on using $200,000 from a state capitalimprovements loan. Green said the Highway 51-related work wouldtake about six weeks and that would allow officials to meet theextended deadline to spend the loan funds.

District 5 Supervisor Gary Walker was expected to look overproject plans before supervisors act on the permit requests attheir next meeting.

In other business Monday, County Administrator Tillmon Bishopsaid letters were ready to be mailed to citizens who objected tonew property values following a state-mandated reappraisal earlierthis year. The letters advise citizens of what action supervisorstook regarding property value adjustments.

“They’re going out today. We sealed them up Friday,” Bishopsaid.

During the objection hearings, supervisors heard from orreceived letters of objection from approximately 250 propertyowners regarding about 850 different parcels of land.

Property values are used in conjunction with the tax levy todetermine how in a person pays in property taxes. Those tax noticeswill go out in December.