United Way campaign benefits community
Published 5:00 am Friday, October 5, 2001
The United Way of Lincoln County has officially kicked off the2001-2002 fund-raising campaign with the goal of raising $194,100to benefit 21 local agencies that help make our communitybetter.
More than 100 volunteers are now calling on businesses andindividuals for contributions, and I encourage you to help.Ninety-eight cents of every dollar raised in Lincoln County stayshere to support these area programs.
The agencies supported by the United Way of Lincoln County andthe amount of funding they receive are:
* Boy Scouts: in Lincoln County there are 25 Scout units withover 800 youngsters and leaders participating — $19,000.
* City of Brookhaven Recreation Department, which offers manyprograms year-round to people of all ages — $3,500.
* Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which offers fellowship,personal Christian commitment and growth, service opportunities andchurch involvement — $5,000.
* Southwest Mississippi Mental Health, including the LincolnCounty Life Skills, Mental Health Auxiliary, Children’s Servicesand Newhaven Recovery Center — $16,500.
* USO, the service organization for military men and women –$600 (based on the number of service personnel from LincolnCounty).
* Girl Scouts: 498 young women are involved in Girl Scoutinghere — $19,000.
* American Red Cross, among this agency’s many works aredisaster relief and helping the elderly pay their energy bills –$14,000.
* Boswell Group Home, which houses women between the ages of 21and 51 who have some type of emotional and development disability– $8,000.
* Boys and Girls Club: offering youngsters between the ages of 6and 16 a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.This agency gets $20,000.
* Lincoln County 4-H: over 1,000 youth take part in thelearn-by-doing activities of the 35 clubs — $5,000.
* Outreach Ministries, which among its many efforts providesclothing, food and financial assistance for the needy, emergencyhelp for displaced workers and disaster victims — $33,000.
* Brookhaven Food Pantry, a volunteer agency that provides freefood to those in need — $5,500.
* Lincoln County United Way Relief Agency, expected to serveover 200 families families that need assistance due to emergency ordisaster — $5,000.
* Widows & Orphans Center, an agency that provides shelter,food and clothing for the underprivileged — $3,000.
* Guardian Shelter for Battered Families, which providesshelter, food, clothing, counseling and other needs to victims ofdomestic violence — $1,000.
* Bogue Chitto-Lincoln County Community Development, which helpsstudents by tutoring and providing after-school activities –$3,000.
* ROTAP (Reaching Out To Another Person), an agency that worksto abolish poverty, to steer teens away from crime, teen pregnancyand abuse — $5,000.
* Brookhaven Beautiful, which works to improve the appearance ofthe community in key areas — $2,500.
* Sunshine Shelter: although this agency is located in Natchez,it provides a safe environment for abused and neglected childrenfrom Lincoln County — $6,000.
* Habitat For Humanity of Lincoln County: an affiliate of theinternational agency, this ecumenical Christian housing ministryuses volunteer labor and donated goods to build simple houses,which are sold through no-interest loans, in partnership with thosein need — $5,000.
* Pee Wee Football: an after school program for fifth and sixthgrade boys at Lipsey School — $1,500.
The fund-raising campaign will continue through early November.If you would like more information, or if you would like to make adonation, contact the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber ofCommerce.
Write to Nanette Laster at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602, or send e-mail to nlaster@telepak.net.