Co-Lin getting county funding increase
Published 5:00 am Friday, October 5, 2001
WESSON – Copiah-Lincoln Community College is in line to receiveover $85,000 more in revenue from supporting counties this yearthan last year, according to a discussion during the college’smonthly board of trustees meeting Thursday.
“It’s a pretty good increase and we’re very proud to get that,”said Co-Lin President Dr. Howell Garner.
The seven counties that support the college place a levy oncitizens’ property taxes to help fund the school’s maintenance andimprovements efforts.
According to a county revenues recap, Co-Lin is expected toreceive $3.07 million combined for maintenance and improvementsfrom Adams, Copiah, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln and Simpsoncounties. Last year, the college received $2.99 million in revenuefrom supporting counties.
With some uncertainty following its property reappraisal,Lawrence County has not put a dollar figure on its support levelfor the upcoming year, said Michael Tanner, Co-Lin financialdirector. College officials mentioned a possible $20,000 increase,but that had not been determined.
According to the recap, Adam County at $791,098, Lincoln Countyat $773,273 and Copiah $629,500 are the top county revenuecontributors. Simpson County is slated to provide the largestincrease over last year, going from $264,000 to $290,400.
Garner said the college is very appreciative of all countyrevenue the school receives.
In other business during a routine meeting, Transportation andEnergy Committee Chairman Melton King said the school is close toreaching an agreement with Mississippi Valley Gas for the companyto takeover maintenance of lines on the school campus. He said theagreement is being finalized and should be ready for action at thenext board meeting.
Trustees are also reviewing a manual containing college bylaws,policies and procedures. Garner discussed board-related aspects ofthe manual with trustees Thursday.
The manual establishes school vision and mission statements,clarifies duties for the board and school personnel and proceduresfor handling a variety of school functions. Trustees are expectedto act on the manual at next month’s meeting.