Patriotism abounds; let’s keep it going
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 2, 2001
It’s often said that sometimes it takes a tragedy to get one’sattention. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened on Sept. 11,2001. Osama bin Laden and his henchmen got this nation’sattention.
Almost 7,000 people lost their lives when America came under thedeadliest assault ever on her soil. We all watched in horror as themighty towers of the World Trade Center crumbled after hijackedairplanes were slammed deliberately and murderously into them. Thennews came of the attack on the Pentagon, the very symbol of ourmilitary might, and of another plane crash in an open field inPennsylvania.
Yet since that dark day almost three weeks ago, a bright lighthas shone all across the United States. Patriotism and compassionhave combined into a giant beacon that is guiding us through thisdevastation.
Now, we are truly the United States of America.President George W. Bush’s approval rating is now at 90 percent –higher than any other president ever. Americans have opened boththeir hearts and their pocketbooks to help those directly affectedby this tragedy. Sales of “Old Glory” are at an all-time high. Red,white and blue ribbons decorate everything from lampposts tolapels.
We’re not trying to throw a wet blanket on the good that hascome out of this tragedy, but we have to ask: Is this new-foundAmerican pride only “skin deep”? How long will it last?
Pride in one’s country should run deeper — much, much deeper –than putting a flag decal on your car or a ribbon on your door. Areyou registered to vote? If not, we hope you sign up the firstchance you get. Did you vote in the last election in which you wereeligible to cast a ballot? The right to vote should be cherished byall Americans.
Do you take part in community activities? There are plenty ofcivic and service organizations here that could use some help.Schools, nursing homes and hospitals always need volunteers.Anything citizens can do to make Brookhaven, Lincoln County andSouthwest Mississippi a better place also makes our nation a betterplace.
Let’s help keep our country beautiful, too. It’s hard to takepride in neighborhoods, streets and roadways that are strewn withlitter. Brookhaven and Lincoln County are not exempt from trash andlitter problems.
Yes, it’s taken a tragedy to ignite this new patriotism. Now wemust keep the flame burning brightly.