Alzheimer’s fighters hit pavement
Published 5:00 am Friday, September 28, 2001
FRANKLIN COUNTY — Walkers from around southwest Mississippiwill lace up their walking shoes and hit the pavement Saturday toraise money to fight a life-threatening illness that affectsthousands across the United States every year.
The annual Alzheimer’s Memory Walk will begin around 8 a.m. atFirst Baptist Church Bude on Highway 84 to raise funds for nationalresearch and family support services in Mississippi.
Many teams, consisting of at least two members, have alreadysigned up to participate, but organizers are hoping even more willwant to come out and support the cause.
“We are currently looking for (more) individual walkers andteams, which can be composed of business co-workers or familymembers from all areas of southwest Mississippi,” said Lucy Shell,director of the Alzheimer’s Association’s southwest branch.
Each participant is encouraged to raise at least $15, but Shellhopes walkers will exceed that and raise $100 each.
Those who donate $50 or more will receive a Memory Walk t-shirt.The top fundraisers will be recognized during the event.
The track, which is one to two miles, will be decorated not onlywith walkers Saturday but also with special signs, Shell added.
“Every walker is encouraged to remember a loved one by creatinga special banner or t-shirt, or wear a button or photograph to leteveryone know why they are walking,” she said.
The Memory Walk is one of many recent efforts in Franklin Countyto fight the disease.
Franklin County Memorial Hospital has been serving as a branchoffice of the Alzheimer’s Association for two years. The branchoffice offers brochures, books, videos and information aboutsupport groups to help local residents cope with the disease andlearn more about it.
Any wishing to find out more about Alzheimer’s or about theMemory Walk can call Lucy Shell at 384-8110 or 384-2211.