Long-time court clerk out of job
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 5, 2001
MONTICELLO — A justice court clerk was suspended here Tuesdayfollowing a lengthy executive session during a regularly scheduledBoard of Supervisors meeting.
Antrease Autman, a fixture at the Justice Court for 14 years,was suspended with pay until an investigation could beconcluded.
The cause of the investigation has not been revealed, but countyofficials are adamant that it was not for criminal or financialreasons.
“It is not criminal, and there is not a cent missing,” a countyofficial said, referring to a rash of clerk suspensions across thestate for missing funds. He would talk only under condition ofbeing held anonymous.
There were two reasons for the administrative leave, the countyofficial said, but he refused to give those reasons.
Board Attorney Malcolm Rogers said he would not discuss thesuspension because of his profession and for personal reasons, buthe did confirm that Autman was not given a reprimand. He also saidthe suspension was not based on criminal or financial matters.
The suspension became effective immediately, and Autman was notat the office Tuesday afternoon.
Autman was surprised by the board’s action, she said in atelephone interview from her home.
“I don’t know why (I was suspended),” Autman said. “I’m hurtthat they didn’t have the courtesy to call me and ask me thequestions they had before doing this today.”
She said she hoped they would get in touch with her Wednesday toexplain their actions.
The investigation will be handled by someone outside the county,according to the county official, but he said he could notelaborate.