Musicians still needed for community symphony
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 13, 2001
Now that many people are returning to routine schedules with thestart of a new school year, one community group hopes more peoplewill also find their musical rhythm once again.
The Ole Brook Wind Symphony continues to seek talentedindividuals from Lincoln and its neighboring counties to join thecommunity band that wants to enrich the area’s cultural experiencethrough music.
“We’ve had some pretty good participation so far, and we’relooking at putting on a program this fall,” Stanley Stewart, one ofthe conductors, said. “We hope within the first few weeks of schoolwe will have a core group with regular attendance.”
The group practices at 7 p.m. every Tuesday in the AlexanderJunior High Band Hall, located at the corner of Turner and GrennStreets.
Ole Brook Wind Symphony is made up of musically-inclined peopleof all ages, with a variety of skills.
“We welcome anybody that wants to come play. People don’t haveto try out or anything,” Stewart said.
Many participants are high school and college students who playon a regular basis, yet many others have not picked up aninstrument in years.
“It’s a good mix. This is a musical outlet for some people whomay have music majors but have careers in other areas,” SusanJones, one of the founders, said about the uniqueness of thegroup.
Even those who know how to play an instrument but do not own oneare invited to participate in the Ole Brook Wind Symphony.
Susan Jones, one of the group’s founders, welcomes people tocall her at 835-0471 if they are interested or in need of aninstrument.
The group is in search of people playing all types ofinstruments, especially trumpet and percussion right now, Jonesadded.
“We’re working on four pieces that are coming along real good,and we’ve got several jazz pieces that we would love to do, but weneed more percussionists and trumpet players,” she said.
Jones looks forward to bringing more people into the groupduring the next few weeks. She believes all who have been involvedso far have really enjoyed the experience.
“We’re having a great time,” she said, adding 20-30 people showup for practice each week.
The group is also in need of an artist to design a special logofor the symphony. Sample designs may be submitted to Jones, and sheshould be contacted for more information.