Co-Lin adds stars to baseball roster
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 16, 2001
WESSON -The Copiah-Lincoln Community College baseball programhas added five pitchers, three outfielders and a catcher to theirroster for the 2002 campaign, according to Co-Lin head coach KeithCase.
“We have signed some talented high school players and we areglad to have them on the Co-Lin team,” said Case. “Hopefully theywill continue to develop and make a strong contribution to ourprogram. They have the talent and ability to adjust and besuccessful at the junior college level.”
Case’s Wolves have won back-to-back NJCAA Region 23 Tournamentchampionships. They advanced to the Division II World Series inMillington, Tenn., in 2000 and finished fourth, posting a 47-17record. They came within one victory of returning to the WorldSeries this past season, losing to St. Louis Community College ofForest Park in the Super Regional finals.
Among the new pitchers joining the Co-Lin squad are Mitch Magnumof Simpson County Academy, Cole Zumbro of Franklin County, MichaelEdwards of Lawrence County, and Kendall Poole and MIguel Banks ofBrookhaven. Outfielders are Fred Perkins of Brookhaven and ParisDancy of Pensacola (Fla.) Pine Forest. The catcher is Chase Coleyof Loyd Star.
Mangum, a right-hander, also plays shortstop. He led SimpsonCounty to the MPSA Class AAA state championship. He was named MVPin the MPSA All-Star Game.
Zumbro, a right-hander, hit 13 home runs as a senior at FranklinCounty and was named MVP in the Class 1A-2A-3A All-Star Game. Healso plays the outfield. He was drafted by the Montreal Expos.
Edwards, a right-hander, anchored the Lawrence County pitchingstaff. He received the LCHS Heart of a Champion Award.
Kendall Poole, a right-hander, is a 1998 BHS graduate. He alsoplayed third base for the Panthers.
Perkins, a left-handed outfielder, was drafted by the Expos. Heoriginally signed a football scholarship with Tulane University inFebruary. A quarterback/defensive back, he has decided toconcentrate on baseball in college.
Dancy, a fleet-footed outfielder, was drafted by the FloridaMarlins. He was a 2001 member of Team Florida.
Evans is an outfielder who made the All-Division 6-4A squad.
Banks, a right-hander, helped lead Brookhaven to a second placefinish in the Division 6-4A race and a berth in the stateplayoffs.
Coach Case has eight position players and three right-handedpitchers returning from the 2001 squad which finished 34-26. Theyinclude catcher David Gray, first basemen Seth Lofton and BrandonHolleman, second baseman Matt Lea, shortstop Kyle Beall, thirdbaseman Ryan Davis, outfielders Arlandus Brown and Travis Smith andpitches Derek Atkins, Christopher Robinson and Jacob Hartwig.