City officials hope for good voter turnout

Published 5:00 am Monday, June 4, 2001

Brookhaven election officials are encouraging citizens to go tothe polls Tuesday as voters make their choices in contested racesfor mayor and three alderman positions.

Election Commissioner Bonita Bullock said voters have anopportunity Tuesday to have a voice in how the city will be run forthe next four years. Polls will be open Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 7p.m.

“We hope we have enough interest that people will get out and dotheir duty,” Bullock said. “This is the chance they have.”

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According to the City Clerk’s Office, 197 voters who will beunable to go to the polls tomorrow have already done theirduty.

The total includes citizens who voted in the clerk’s office andthose who requested an absentee ballot by mail. Mailed-out absenteeballots must be returned by mail by 5 p.m. Monday.

In Tuesday’s contested races, incumbent Democrat Mayor W.W.”Bill” Godbold is gong for a second consecutive term and sixthoverall against Republican Ward 4 Alderman John Roberts andIndependent candidate Percy Rauls. Roberts has been Ward 4 aldermanfor the last 12 years and Rauls is a former city alderman.

Three alderman races are also on Tuesday’s ballot.

In Ward 4, Republican Bob Massengill is going against DemocratJerry Case for the right to succeed Roberts on the city board.

In Ward 5, incumbent Democrat Alderman Tom Smith is facingRepublican John Richardson. The match-up is a repeat from fouryears ago when Richardson was unseated by Smith.

Incumbent Ward 6 Alderman John E. “Buddy” Allen, a Democrat isgoing for a second full term on the board against Republican KeithPeden.

Following victories in the primaries, seven candidates onTuesday’s ballot are unopposed for their respective offices.

They include City Clerk Iris Rudman, City Tax Collector PatDuckworth, Chief of Police Arlustra “Pap” Henderson, Alderman atlarge Les Bumgarner, Ward 1 Alderman Dorsey Cameron, Ward 2Alderman Terry Bates and Ward 3 Alderman the Rev. Jerry L.Wilson.

Candidates elected Tuesday are to be sworn in later this monthbefore officially taking office on July 1.