Man survives being shot three times
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 7, 2001
LAWRENCE COUNTY — A Silver Creek man was in stable conditionMonday morning following a weekend shooting in the RosehillCommunity.
Carlos Tavarez, 32, of Silver Creek, underwent surgery Sunday atUniversity Medical Center for the three gunshot wounds he receivedafter an altercation around 6:37 p.m. Saturday at 204 RosehillRoad, according to authorities.
“Mr. Tavarez and another subject were apparently arguing over aCD player, and Tavarez allegedly pulled a knife and the altercationended,” said Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department InvestigatorJimmy Barton.
Barton added that three witness then saw Antonio DerrellGriffith, 20, of Prentiss, shoot at least four times at Tavarezwith a 40-caliber handgun.
“The altercation was over, and he (Griffith) just ran into theyard and started shooting at Tavarez,” said Barton, adding thatGriffith apparently was not even involved in the argument.
Tavarez was struck three times in the middle torso area, and wastaken to Lawrence County Hospital by ambulance, said Barton.
Griffith was arrested at the scene and charged with aggravatedassault. He is being held in the Lawrence County Jail, pending abond hearing today.
Barton was assisted by Lawrence County Deputies Ray Walker andAdrian Ready, along with the Mississippi Highway Patrol criminalinvestigation bureau and Silver Creek First Responders.