Eight county teachers lack new year contracts

Published 5:00 am Monday, April 2, 2001

The budget crunch facing school districts across the state hasbrought uncertainty to school officials and some localteachers.

The financial crisis caused by state legislators not yet fundingthe Minimum Foundation Program, a loss of over $100,000 for theLincoln County School District, combined with the absence of somefederal funds has school officials taking precautionarymeasures.

“In addition to the state budget cuts, we have not receivedfunding for Title One and classroom size reduction units, so wefeel it is necessary to non-renew eight teachers in our district,”said Perry Miller, superintendent of education, following a specialschool board meeting Friday morning.

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School board members had to make the decision before the April 8deadline for notifying teachers of the status of their contractsfor the upcoming year.

The federal funds, which usually are not disbursed until afterMay every year, allowed the Lincoln County School District to hireextra teachers in the past for special programs and to reduce thestudent to teacher ratio.

Miller said the decision to non-renew the teachers was a toughone for school board members to make, but hopefully they will beable to reverse the decision in a few months when federal fundsmake their way to the district.

“We feel like with the (state) budget cuts, we need to waituntil we see the (federal) money or until the money is in hand,” hesaid. “When these funds are received, we will rehire theseteachers.”

Miller is certain the federal funds will arrive before the2001-2002 school year arrives, but nevertheless he said the schooldistrict should play it on the safe side.

Brookhaven School District faces a similar situation Tuesday at6 p.m. when its recessed meeting will be held to make decisions onteacher contracts.

School board members knew last week the final decision wouldrely on the decision of state legislators, which are expected towrap up the legislative session this weekend. Therefore, theyscheduled the recessed meeting for Tuesday.

“We can’t hire teachers we can’t pay,” said Brookhaven SchoolDistrict’s Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds.