Sherman marches through Coliseum
Published 6:00 am Friday, March 9, 2001
JACKSON – General William Tecumseh Sherman’s name strikes terrorand hatred in the hearts of many southerners even though the Unionmilitary leader has been dead for over 100 years. Sherman isremembered best for his murderous march through Georgia and theburning of Atlanta during the Civil War.
John Sherman, Myrtle High School’s girls basketball coach,doesn’t claim any distant relation to the general although his LadyHawks are based in the rolling hills of Union County, Miss. CoachSherman commanded a powerful, impressive group of hustling girlsThursday afternoon and they overwhelmed a good Bogue Chitto team inthe semifinals of the Class 1A State Tournament.
More than likely, several Lady Bobcats had nightmares Thursdaynight after they went to sleep. The Lady Hawks were birds of preyand they feasted on the proud Lady ‘Cats, using a hungry,scrapping, relentless, full-court press to subdue theirvictims.
Like a military leader, Sherman was growling instructions to hisgirls in the third quarter, encouraging them to go for the kill. Hedidn’t want a second-half rally by the Lady ‘Cats. Bogue Chitto wastrailing by 26 points, 53-27, just three minutes into the thirdquarter.
All Sherman needed was a dark blue army uniform and an oldstogie to puff and chew on. “Take no prisoners!”
To their credit, the Lady ‘Cats refused to wilt. They kept onhustling. They kept on keeping on. There are tons of proudtradition in Bogue Chitto’s R.L. “Bob” Calhoun Gymnasium. Theydon’t take losing lightly or for granted.
Certainly, lots of tears were shed. The Lady ‘Cats, with justone senior on the squad, had made the best of a major rebuildingseason. They won the Division 7-1A Tournament and were runners-upin South Mississippi. They were two wins away from winning anotherstate championship.
Bogue Chitto coach Mickey Myers made the best of a difficultsituation. His Lady ‘Cats were state semifinalists last year,losing to eventual state champion Scott Central.
“I guess you could say the glass slipper has shattered for ustoday,” said Myers. “There will be no Cinderella finish forus.”
Myers has taken the Lady ‘Cats to the “Big House” in five of hissix years at the helm. They work extra hard in the offseason, playa tough schedule and usually dominate the division.
“I’m proud of my girls,” said Myers, standing outside thedressing room. The Ingomar-McAdams boys game was under way and thecrowd’s roar echoed through the concrete hallways outside the courtarea of the Mississippi Coliseum.
“There are a lot of kids playing basketball in Mississippi whonever get to play here,” Myers continued. “It’s a privilege and anhonor to get here.”
Getting here was a new experience for Myrtle’s Lady Hawks whoimproved their record to 33-3. They usually are the spectators,watching teams like Ingomar and West Union dominate theirdivision.
Sherman, in his third year at the helm, lost twice to Class 3ANew Albany this season and once to Pine Grove at home. He only hasone senior starter in the lineup.
“Our girls have never been here (state tournament) in thehistory of our school,” said Sherman. “They were eager to playtoday. Speed has been our game. Our girls did an excellent jobputting pressure on Bogue Chitto.
“(Offensively) we wanted to get it out and get to the otherend.”
To say the least Myrtle was athletic and explosive. The LadyHawks used their aggressive 2-man trap to cause numerous BogueChitto turnovers.
“Our defensive pressure was good against an excellent BogueChitto team,” Sherman pointed out. “Tradition didn’t make anydifference today.”
Myrtle’s Armintie Price, a smooth 5-8 sophomore, ran like adeer. She scored 30 points and looked like a landslide all-stateselection. She had the vertical jump to beat a 6-foot defender.
In the third quarter, when the basketball lodged between thebackboard and the rim, the game was halted. Price took a runningleap and knocked it loose. She could have easily grabbed therim.
Bogue Chitto had a great season and there’s no reason to singthe blues. Marquita Ratcliff, BC’s starting forward, sang theNational Anthem before the game and did a wonderful job. Shereceived a loud ovation from the crowd.
Win or lose, it was a special day for everyone from BogueChitto.