Sunday 2/11 Obituaries
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 12, 2001
Winnie Marie Britt
Services for Winnie Marie Britt of Brookhaven are 2 p.m.,Sunday, Feb. 11, at Mt. Zion Baptist Church with burial in thechurch cemetery.
Mrs. Britt, 98, died Friday, Feb. 9, 2001, at Haven Hall NursingHome. She was born in Lincoln County on Nov. 3, 1902, to the lateWilliam Van Minton III and Fannie H. Jordan Hart Minton.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of Mt. Zion BaptistChurch.
Preceding her in death was her husband, Henry Rock Britt; hersons, William Denver, Charles Manvil, and John Beavers Britt.
Survivors are her son, Calvin H. Britt of Wesson; her daughterWinifred Johnson of Brookhaven; and 16 grandchildren.
Tyler Bradley Calcote
Services for Tyler Calcote of Brookhaven are 11 a.m., Monday,Feb. 12, at New Hope Methodist Church with burial in the churchcemetery.
Visitation is Sunday, Feb. 11, from 5-8 p.m. at BrookhavenFuneral Home.
Infant Calcote, 23 months, died Feb. 9, 2001, at UniversityMedical Center in Jackson. He was born Feb. 24, 1999, to Bradleyand Donna Reed Calcote.
Survivors are his parents; his maternal grandparents, Glenda andDon Reed of Brookhaven; his paternal grandparents Calvin andShirley Calcote of Brookhaven; his brother Brett Calcote ofBrookhaven; and several aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Verna Prestridge Covington
Services for Verna Prestridge Covington, a native of Brookhavenwere 10 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 10, at Wright and Ferguson FuneralHome in Jackson with burial and graveside services at Rose HillCemetery in Brookhaven.
Mrs. Covington, 89, died Thursday, Feb. 8, 2001, at BellaireHealthcare Center in Gastonia, N.C.
She operated Children’s Daycare Centers in Brookhaven,Hattiesburg, and Ridgeland. She was a member of Ridgeland UnitedMethodist Church.
Preceding her in death was her husband; Jack Covington.
Survivors are her daughter, Mary Sue Hemphill of Lucedale; hersons, Neil R. Covington of Rock Hill S.C., C. Jack Covington ofBrandon, and Hugh M. Covington of Arlington, Texas; her sister,Earline Williams of Brookhaven; and her sister-in-law, MildredCovington of Brookhaven.
Memorial may be made to the Ridgeland United MethodistChurch.
Annie Mae Smith
Services for Annie Mae Smith of Edwards, Miss. are 3 p.m.,Sunday, Feb. 11, at Bethsan Baptist Church with burial inTrevillion Cemetery.
Visitation is Sunday, Feb.11, from 1-3 p.m. at the church.
Mrs. Smith, 84, died Feb. 9, 2001, at her residence. She wasborn in Jefferson County.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of Bethesda BaptistChurch.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, ThomasJames Smith, a son, two grandsons, and a great granddaughter.
Survivors are her sons, John Smith of Pearl, William Smith ofPattison, and James Smith of Brookhaven; her daughter Bessie Cox ofEdwards; and eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
W.T. Sullivan
Services for W.T. Sullivan of New Hebron are 11 a.m., Monday,Feb. 12, at Saulters-Moore Chapel in Prentiss with burial in NewHope Cemetery in Shivers, Miss.
Visitation is Sunday, Feb.11, from 4:30-8:30 p.m. at the funeralhome.
Mr. Sullivan, 79, died Feb. 9, 2001, at Mississippi BaptistHospital in Jackson.
He was a retired machine operator for Armco Steelin in Houston,Texas.
Preceding him was his brothers, Pierce Sullivan, Pat Sullivan,Charley Sullivan and Dale Sullivan.
Survivors are his sisters, Ruby McManus of Gulfport, Ollie MaeWestmoreland of Pinola, Peggy Sullivan of Brookhaven, and LoisStegenga of Lucedale; his brothers, Johnnie Sullivan of Gulfport,Bill Sullivan of Pinola, George Sullivan of New Hebron, and JerrySullivan of Brookhaven.
Lois Ellen Whittington Price
Services for Lois Ellen Whittington Price of Baton Rouge, La.are 2 p.m., Monday Feb. 12, at Harrigill Funeral Home Chapel withburial in Pleasant Grove Methodist Cemetery.
Visitation is Sunday, Feb. 11, from 4-9 p.m. at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Price, 86, died Friday, Feb. 9, 2001, at Baton RougeGeneral Hospital. She was born in Lincoln County on March 27, 1914,to the late Johnnie Whittington and Maggie Tyson Whittington.
She was a housewife. She was a member of Weller Ave. BaptistChurch in Baton Rouge.
Preceding her in death was her husband, Leroy G. Price; hersons, Johnnie L. Price Sr. and James Garland Price; her sisters,Delma Whittington Russell and Thelma Rene Whittington BoyteJean.
Survivors are her sons and daughters-in-law, Bobby and CarolynPrice of Greenwell Springs, La., Glenn and Betty Price of DeSoto,Kan.; her daughter and son-in-law, Linda and David Smith of BatonRouge; her sister and brother-in-law, Dorothy and Louis Appleby ofWest Lake, La.; her 11 grandchildren, Ellen Price Kreamer andhusband Robert, Caroline Price Smith and husband Judson, both onDenham Springs; Karen Price of Healdsburg Calif.; Rebecca PriceKumer and husband Harry on Kansas City; Martha Price of Jayess;Johnnie Price Jr. and wife Melinda of Oxford, Kenneth Price andwife Renee of Henderson, Texas; Kevin Smith and wife Jena ofLafayette, Daniel Smith, Brian Smith, and Jason Smith, all of BatonRouge; three great grandchildren: Kent Price of Henderson, Texas,Michael Garvin of Denham Springs, and Johnnie Price III of Oxford;and nieces and nephews.