Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 18, 2001


Esteen Sasser

Robert Wayne Broom

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Services for Robert Wayne Broom are 11 a.m., Friday, Jan. 19, atWilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Pleasant Grove UnitedMethodist Church Cemetery.

Visitation is Friday from 9 a.m. until service time at thefuneral home.

The infant was born and died Jan. 13, 2001, at King’s DaughtersMedical Center.

Survivors are his parents, Donald Wayne Broom of Purvis andRochele Calcote of Jayess; his brothers, Donald Wayne Broom Jr. ofPurvis; and his sisters, Alex Andrews of Monticello and Lynn Broomand Nichole Broom, both of Purvis.

Wilford Greer

Services for Wilford Greer of Collins are 1 p.m., Friday, Jan.19, at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home with burial in Mendenhall CityCemetery.

Visitation is today from 5-9 p.m. at the funeral home.

Mr. Greer, 78, died Jan. 15, 2001, of heart failure at the V.A.Nursing Home.

He was a retired trucking business owner. He was a member ofFirst Baptist Church of Mendenhall. He was an Army veteran ofWWII.

Survivors are his daughters, Barbara Greer McCrory of Petal andGail Greer Dinham of Plano, Texas; his brothers, Billy R. Greer andTroy Greer, both of Mendenhall; his sisters, Dorothy Nettles ofBrookhaven and Joyce Roberts of Magee; and three grandchildren.

Thelma Louise Lee Hedgepeth

Services for Thelma Louise Lee Hedgepeth of Birmingham, Ala.,and formerly of Brookhaven, are 1 p.m., Friday, Jan. 19, atBrookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Easthaven Cemetery.Services will be conducted by her son-in-law, Gene Murray.

Visitation is Thursday, Jan. 18, from 5-8 p.m. at the funeralhome.

Mrs. Hedgepeth, 95, died Jan. 12, 2001, in Birmingham, where shehad lived for the past 10 years.

She was a fashion and bridal consultant for Benoits and hadserved as their buyer at market in New York, Dallas, and LosAngeles. She also produced many fashion shows for Benoits.

She was a member of the Camellia Society, the Mother’s CultureClub, Puckihuddle Club, Little Theater, Brookhaven Beautiful, andBusiness and Professional Women.

Mrs. Hedgepeth was baptized by Billy Sunday. She was a member ofFirst Baptist Church in Brookhaven for 67 years before moving toBirmingham.

Preceding her in death were her husband, J. Homer Hedgepeth; andher son, Jay Homer Hedgepeth.

Survivors are her daughters and sons-in-law, Norma and Albert”Bud” Hartman and Lynda and Gene Murray; her daughter-in-law, JoHill Hedgepeth; her sisters, Mary Carruth and Grace Grice; herbrother, Paul Lee; her grandchildren, Sidney Hartman, MelissaHartman Bearden, Heather Hartman Russell, Allison Hedgepeth Clock,Jay Hedgepeth Jr., Rusty Murray and Melissa Murray Williams; hergreat-grandchildren, Philip and Lauren Hartman, Ashley and BrianBearden, Kelly Russell, Madeline LeCuyer, and Garnett and GlennGlover; and many nieces and nephews.

Following the burial of Mrs. Hedgepeth, the Rev. Edward Halewill inter the ashes of Jay Homer Hedgepeth.

Lillie K. Lowery

Memorial services for Lillie K. Lowery of Kennesaw, Ga., will beannounced at a later date.

Mrs. Lowery, 91, died Jan. 15, 2001, at her daughter’s residencein Kennesaw. She was a longtime resident of Brookhaven before goingto live with her daughter and family in the early 70s.

She was a member of First Baptist Church in Brookhaven.

Survivors are her daughter, Joyce Olsen of Kennesaw; her son, W.R. “Chubby” Lowery of McComb; and six grandchildren, eightgreat-grandchildren, and nieces and nephews.

Carolyn Ann Rice

Services for Carolyn Ann Rice of Brookhaven are 3 p.m.,Saturday, Jan. 20, at St. Mark M.B. Church with burial in HopewellChurch Cemetery.

Visitation is Friday, Jan. 19, from noon until 8 p.m. withfamily hour from 7-8 p.m. at Williams Mortuary.

Mrs. Rice, 46, died Jan. 17, 2001, at University Medical Centerin Jackson. She was born in Copiah County on Oct. 28, 1954, toLuther Townsend and Alice Dixon Fairman. She was a graduate ofBrookhaven High School.

She was a machine operator with Auburn Sportswear. She was amember of St. Mark M.B. Church.

Preceding her in death were her parents; and her brother, EdwardL. Townsend.

Survivors are her sons, Demetrice Davis, Antonio Davis, andLarry L. Rice Jr., all of Brookhaven; her daughters, Lavita M. Riceand Tiffany N. Davis, both of Brookhaven, and Cassandra Johnson ofWesson; her son-in-law, Christopher L. Johnson of Wesson; herbrothers, Luther E. Townsend of Bryan, Texas, and Hugh V. Townsendof Brookhaven; her sisters, Gloria Cameron Bozeman and Alice FayeBenjamin, both of Brookhaven; her stepbrother, Ricky Levi; hergrandchildren, Tiana Hathorn, Damarius Brooks, and Shamaria Brooks;and a host of nieces and nephews.

Services for Esteen Sasser of Brookhaven are incomplete. Mrs.Sasser, 89, died Jan. 17, 2001, at Baptist Medical Center inJackson. Harrigill Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Velma Spring

Services for Velma Spring of Brookhaven are incomplete. Mrs.Spring died Jan. 17, 2001, at King’s Daughters Medical Center.Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.