What a great place to be this new year

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 2, 2001

In a few hours, the year 2000 will be history.

Almost hard to believe isn’t it? Just think, this time 12 monthsago a lot of people were fearing the arrival of 2000 and thedreaded ‘Y2K bug.’ No major Y2K problems were reported, but thecountry did later endure the strangest Presidential election inhistory and a roller-coaster stock market.

Although there were some tragedies here — including the deathsof five young people in auto accidents, and the airplane crash thattook the life of a young and talented physician and his wife –2000 should go down in the record books as a good year forBrookhaven and Lincoln County.

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Several projects heralded the good things here:

* The work by the state that is now underway to transform theformer Whitworth College campus into the Mississippi School of theArts.

* The restoration of the main building and theconstruction of two new educational wings at Brookhaven HighSchool, which is being financed through a $7.5 million bondissue.

* The construction and opening of Specialty MineralsInc., a new $20 million facility in the IndustrialPark.

* Delphi-Packard’s $73 million capital improvementsproject, which added 130 new jobs.

* The Lincoln County Public Library received a $500,000grant from the state, and the county supervisors matched that witha $500,000 bond issue, to improve the children’s area and handicapaccessibility and to address other needs.

The impact of these developments will be felt for many,many years to come.

What will 2001 bring?

While we certainly can’t predict the future, we do knowthat a very interesting city election will be held this year. Themayor’s race, with incumbent Mayor Bill Godbold and Alderman-atlarge Henry Newman already announcing their intentions to run, iscertainly one to watch. At least one other current alderman and aformer board member are also said to be considering therace.

Both the city and the county are operating on tighterbudgets this year, as is the state. Hopefully, officials will makethe best use of tax dollars.

Whatever the new year brings, we should remember thatBrookhaven and Lincoln County are strong because of the people wholive here. Nowhere in this world are there better friends andneighbors than in the Homeseeker’s Paradise.

What a wonderful place to call home.

Happy New Year.