Tax rush underway

Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 28, 2000

Malls and stores aren’t the only places with waiting lines thisweek.

Back from their holiday break, Lincoln County tax officeemployees were greeted Wednesday with a line of people ready to payvarious taxes. Several times during the day, the line stretched outthe door, but Tax Assessor-Collector Nancy Jordan said it wasmoving well.

“So far, everything’s gone real smooth,” Jordan said.

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Jordan said the main reason for the line was the fact her officewas closed Monday and Tuesday for the Christmas holiday.

“Any transaction that would have been done then is being donetoday,” Jordan said.

The benefits of paying property taxes before the end of the yearwas also part of the reason for the busy day. Jordan said anyonewho pays their property taxes before Dec. 31 may claim them ontheir 2000 tax return.

However, Jordan said automobile tags, mobile home taxes andothers also contributed to the heavy traffic Wednesday.

Lincoln County tax and other offices also will be closed Mondayand Tuesday of next week for the New Year’s Day holiday.

Jordan reminded citizens to come by the office after Jan. 2 tofile for homestead exemption. Those needing to file include anyonewho bought a house in the last year, those who’ve moved or are over65 or are disabled for the first time.

The deadline to file for homestead exemption is April 1, Jordansaid.