Board eyes beat system work session

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, December 5, 2000

The idea of a work session to discuss operations after beingback in the beat system for two months was raised at the LincolnCounty Board of Supervisors meeting Monday.

Following last year’s vote, the county returned to the beatsystem Oct. 1 and County Administrator Tillmon Bishop suggested asession for board members to gauge activities under the system.

“It’s just to make sure everybody is up to speed,” Bishop said.”Really, it’s just fine-tuning our operations.”

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Bishop said board members could discuss any needs they mighthave, and they could also prepare for some first-of-yearbusiness.

Bids for a variety of county supplies and services will beaccepted in January, the first time for the current board under thebeat system. Bishop said it would be beneficial for the board to beprepared.

Supervisors did not set a date for the work session.

In other business Monday, supervisors approved the purchase of anew projector for the Cooperative Extension Service office.

At the Nov. 20 meeting, County Agent Perry Brumfield said theapproximately $700 piece of equipment is helpful for the service’seducational programs. He said a delay in service employees raisesuntil July would save about $1,800, and the county could use someof that money for the projector.

Already operating under a deficit budget, supervisors wanted toreview budget totals before acting on the request. Bishop saidMonday the purchase would be made through the county’s generalfund.

Also Monday, supervisors approved increasing the reimbursementrate for employees using their vehicles on county business from thestandard 20 cents a mile to the federal rate of 32 cents amile.

Bishop said constables had spoken to supervisors aboutincreasing the rate. The administrator did not expect the change tohave a big impact on the budget.