Rain slows work at high school
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 29, 2000
The much-needed rains that have benefited the area during thelast month have had a negative effect on construction andrenovation efforts at Brookhaven High School.
Representatives from Barranco Architects and CarothersConstruction Management, the firm in charge of work at the highschool, reported a slight setback to the school board Tuesdayduring their monthly meeting.
“The rain has put us back about 11 days, but we should be ableto make that up,” said Robert Freeman, an architect with thefirm.
Otherwise, Freeman pointed out how well work had beenprogressing, with the existing building entering the finalstages.
“We’re about through with it,” he said. “By the end of December,we should be putting the windows in and closing it up.”
Board members were impressed with the progress made so far, andplanned to tour the site when possible.
“I am pleased with the update, even though we’re a littlebehind,” said Board Chairman Carl Aycock.
Other presentations made during the meeting included studentsfrom Mamie Martin Elementary School sharing the benefits of thetheir program Character Counts, which concentrates on buildingpositive qualities in the students.
Also during the meeting, Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds announcedto board members the success of the recent report card day.
“We had 96 percent of the parents participating in the thirdgrade, and 95 percent in the fourth and fifth grade,” he said. “I’malso proud to say we had 100 percent participation at Mullins.”
High school parents had the least amount of participationranging from 73-78 percent of the parents going to the school topick up their child’s report card. The designated day gives parentsand teachers an opportunity to discuss students’ performance atschool.
Bounds also made the announcement that Amy Valentine, vicechairman of the board, had been elected to a two-year term on theMississippi School Board Association’s Board of Directors. He andother board members were glad to have her as a local representativeon the state board.
Another matter Bounds mentioned to school board members was thesuccess of the recent visit by the Southern Association of Collegesand Schools Commission on Secondary and Middle Schools. BrookhavenHigh School and Alexander Junior High School were given goodreviews by the commission, said Bounds.
Due to the upcoming holidays, school board members opted tochange the date of their next scheduled meeting. The next meetingwill be held at 6 p.m., December 19, at the central office locatedon Court Street. The meetings are open to the public.