West Lincoln program will honor veterans
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 6, 2000
West Lincoln Attendance Center will honor veterans during aVeteran’s Day ceremony Friday at the school.
The program will begin at 9 a.m. at the football field. In caseof rain, the program will be moved to the school’s gym.
First Sergeant Bernard McClelland will be the featured speakerfor the program, which will also include presentation of the colorsby the Mississippi State Guard’s Color Guard, a musical tribute toveterans by the third and fourth grade music classes, an overviewof the Daughters of the American Revolutions chapter and itsfunctions, and readings of the poem, “Veterans, We Love You,” and”Freedom is Not Free.”
Veterans, their families and members of the community areinvited to the program.
“It is our way of recognizing the sacrifices of veterans inkeeping our country safe and free,” said Sounnia Wallace, programoganizer.