Nominations being taken for Wesson chamber honors

Published 5:00 am Friday, September 29, 2000

WESSON — Nominations are now being accepted for the Chamber ofCommerce’s annual Good Citizen and Educator Awards.

The prestigious awards are presented every year at the Chamberof Commerce banquet. Winners are chosen by a committee from thenominations sent in by citizens.

“These awards will be given that night, and they are kept asecret from the public until then,” said Chamber of CommerceSecretary-Treasurer Joy Wesbrooks.

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The banquet has been set for 7 p.m., Dec. 7, at the ThamesCenter.

The Good Citizen of the Year award is presented to a person ofhigh moral standards and integrity who has made an impact on thetown, said Wesbrooks.

“It’s real important to select someone who has contributed a lotto the community and has Wesson in their best interest,” sheadded.

Previous recipients include Kenneth Furr, Dr. Billy B. Thames,Hollis Cowen Sr., Nena Smith, Freddie Stegall, Dr. Burton Friedman,Bradley Smith and Lura Greer.

Anyone wishing to nominate an individual should write a briefaccount of the person’s qualities and accomplishments, givingspecific examples where possible.

The Outstanding Educator of the Year award is given to aninstructor from Wesson Attendance Center and one fromCopiah-Lincoln Community College.

The instructors must be full-time with at least 10 years serviceat the local schools. Instructors nominated must have demonstratedleadership in the classroom, extra-curricular school activities andin the community, as well as dependability, enthusiasm, goodcommunication skills and an interest in Wesson.

Last year’s outstanding educators were Lloyd Brewer from WessonAttendance Center and Johnny Williams from Copiah-Lincoln CommunityCollege.

Further criteria that should be listed in the nomination formincludes any degrees or other awards the instructor hasreceived.

Nomination forms for outstanding educator of the year can beobtained by calling Wesbrooks at 643-8316. A letter must alsoaccompany the nomination form.

All nominations should be sent to Wesson Chamber of Commerce,P.O. Box 557, Wesson, MS 39191 by October 20, 2000.

“A committee made up of the past presidents of the WessonChamber will review the nominations and make the final decision,”said Wesbrooks.