Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 22, 2000

Theolia Mae Hunter Goodwin

Services for Theolia Mae Hunter Goodwin of Brookhaven are 11a.m., Saturday, June 24, at New Hope M. B. Church with burial inEbenezer Church Cemetery.

Visitation is Friday, June 23, from noon until 8 p.m. withfamily hour from 7-8 p.m. at Williams Mortuary.

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Mrs. Goodwin, 76, died June 17, 2000, at her residence. She wasborn in Lincoln County on Oct. 8, 1923, to Zannie Hunter and AliceScott Hunter.

She was retired from Rapid Transit of Chicago after 20 years.She was a special education teacher’s aide for Lifeskills inBrookhaven from 1982-98. She was a member of New Hope M. B. Church.She was a member of the singing groups Kelly Singers and HolyGarden of Prayer in Chicago and Church on the Rock inMississippi.

Preceding her in death were her father; her husband, CharlieMoses Goodwin Sr.; and her son, Thomas Lee Goodwin.

Survivors are her mother, Alice Hunter of Wesson; her son,Charlie M. Goodwin Jr., Adolphis Lee Goodwin, Zannie L. Goodwin,Edward L. Goodwin, and Mark A. Goodwin, all of Wesson; herdaughter, Hattie Myrtle Dixon of Milwaukee, Wis.; her brother,Willie D. Hunter of Wesson; and 71 grandchildren and 50great-grandchildren.

Rufus P. Lea

Services for Rufus P. Lea of San Diego, Calif., were held atChrist the King Lutheran Church in Santee.

Mr. Lea, 68, died March 9, 2000, at his home. He was born inWesson on March 10, 1931.

He was retired from the Navy after 20 years, serving in Koreaand Vietnam. He was the retired owner of a Santee barber shop.

Survivors are his wife, Dorothy Lea; his daughters, Linda LeaCrayne of Whitefish, Mont., and Julie Lea Shackelton of San Diego;his sons, Steven Lea of Denver and Bruce Lea of San Diego; hissister, Bonnie Beard of Wesson; his brother, Paul Lea of Wesson;and six grandchildren.

Margie Smith Martin

Services for Margie Smith Martin of Houston, Texas, formerly ofBogue Chitto, were 10 a.m., Tuesday, June 20, at the Klein FuneralHome in Tomball, Texas, with burial in Klein Memorial Park.

Mrs. Martin, 78, had been a resident of Houston since 1983.

She was the former owner and operator of a restaurant in BogueChitto. She was a member of Gospel Assembly Church of Houston.

Preceding her in death were her husband, Grady Preston MartinSr.; and her parents, Marshall and Charity Elizabeth Smith.

She is survived by her sons, Grady P. Martin Jr. of Spring,Texas, and Phillip Ray Martin of Conroe, Texas; her daughter,Patricia Sue Martin of Tomball, Texas; her brother, Grover Smith ofMcComb; her sisters, Marguerite Corban of Long Beach, GeraldineEthridge of Hattiesburg, Brenda Montgomery of Wesson, and ElizabethHart and Louise Walker, both of Bogue Chitto; and sevengrandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Franklin Edwin Weir

Services for Franklin Edwin Weir of Ruth are 2 p.m., Friday,June 23, at Harrigill Funeral Home Chapel with burial in RuthCemetery.

Visitation is Thursday, June 22, from 5-8 p.m. at HarrigillFuneral Home.

Mr. Weir, 87, died June 21, 2000, of heart failure at King’sDaughters Medical Center. He was born in Lincoln County on Dec. 25,1912, to Jasper Weir and Mary Gregory Collins Weir. He was aresident of Ruth for 55 years.

He worked for C. C. Clark for 24 years and was a maintenance manfor Jacobsen Lawn Mower for 15 years. He was a member of PleasantHill Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon.

Preceding him in death were his parents.

Survivors are his wife of 70 years, Lessie Weir of Ruth; hisson, Elmo Weir of Gatlinburg, Tenn.; his daughters, Louise Greer ofRuth, Mary Evelyn Trevilion of Port Gibson, and Frankie Clemts ofHomasassa Springs, Fla.; and seven grandchildren and 10great-grandchildren.

The Rev. R. Clifton Williams

Services for the Rev. R. Clifton Williams of Bogue Chitto are 11a.m., Friday, June 23, at Friendship Baptist Church with burial inWoodlawn Cemetery in Summit.

Visitation is Thursday, June 22, from 5-9 p.m. at CatchingsFuneral Home and Friday from 10 a.m. until service time at thechurch.

The Rev. Williams, 79, died June 21, 2000, of heart failure atBaptist Medical Center in Jackson. He was born in Pike County onOct. 14, 1920, to R. Z. “Zeb” Williams and Ora Brown Williams.

He was a retired rural mail carrier and a member of the RuralLetter Carriers Association. A Baptist minister, he had served manysouth Mississippi churches as interim pastor. He was a lifelongmember of Friendship Baptist Church.

Preceding him in death were his parents; and his brother, WalterR. Williams.

Survivors are his brothers, Lamar A. Williams and James B.Williams, both of Bogue Chitto, and Mike C. Williams of Summit; andfour nieces and a host of great nieces and nephews.

Memorials may be made to the benevolence funds of churches hehad served.