District Seven All-Stars play at Meridian tonight
Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 22, 2000
The District Seven All-Star Baseball Team will play the DistrictSix Team tonight at 7 p.m. on the Meridian Community Collegebaseball field. It will be one of four opening round matchups inthe State Games of Mississippi.
Coaches Randy Spring of Brookhaven and Stephen Cooksey ofParklane Academy are coaching the team. Coach Ken Jackson ofParklane is district director.
Representing District Seven are Aaron Oberschmidt, Miguel Banks,Cayce Wallace and Fred Perkins of Brookhaven; Chase Coley and CassBrister of Loyd Star; Cole Zumbro, Franklin County; MichaelClements, North Pike; Dooley Simmons, Kyle Ginn and Joey Lindsey,Parklane; Damien Givens, Vince Graves, and Charles Pittman ofMcComb; John David McCay, Amite School Center; Chris Rayborn, AdamsCounty Christian School; and Richie Kyzar and Dustin Aultman, ofColumbia.
Coach Spring said the District Seven team would hold its firstpractice today at Meridian. The team was selected last Saturdayduring a tryout session at Copiah-Lincoln Community College. To beeligible, players must be 20001 or 2002 high school graduates.
The District 7-District 6 winner will play the winner of theDistrict 5-District 8 game at 7 p.m. Friday. The opening roundlosers play at 1 p.m.