West Lincoln boys third, girls fourth

The West Lincoln boys finished third in the Ole Brook’s Hansel King cross-country 5K meet Thursday.

West Lincoln’s Jason Watts finished second overall to lead the Bears with a time of 18:55. Jonathan Mathis was second behind Watts with the time of 22:43, Todd Calcote finished third at 23:18, followed by Jordan Montgomery at 23:21, and Caleb Weeks at 27:09.

The Lady Bears secured fourth place in their event. Lillianne Rushing came in seventh place to lead West Lincoln’s runners with a time of 26:42.

Georganna Allen finished 10th with the time of 27:10, Carlie Smith finished with a time of 30:52, followed by Maddox Redd at 37:49 and Leann Chrisholm at 41:30

In junior high action,  the West Lincoln boys and girls secured second place in their runs.

Ashley Tabor claimed third place to lead the Lady Bears with a time of 19:20. Tess Holley was fifth with the time of 21:07. Sara Wilson was ninth at 22:22, followed by Gracee Warren at 23:05 and Anna Johnson at 26:08.

The Bears were led by Tiler Castillo, who came in fourth place with a time of 16:00. Noah Addison finished sixth with a time of 16:20. Dakota Spring placed 10th at 17:52. Ashtin Castillo at 18:44 and Spencer Maxwell at 18:55.

West Lincoln’s next meet is Saturday at Madison Central Middle School beginning at 9:30 a.m.
