Opinion Columnists

Decades in the making, Jackson’s infrastructure woes won’t be quickly or easily solved

Like seemingly every other facet of American society these days, when it comes to both the national media ...


For liberty and the pursuit of labor

On Sept. 7, 1942, nearly 20,000 shipyard workers and guests gathered at Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard in Baltimore, Maryland. They ...

Opinion Columnists

A penny from heaven

The misty clouds like we had enjoyed watching skim the mountains and valleys of North Carolina joined me ...


Follow the Father faithfully

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend. It seems to be that time of year when ...


I urge you to take heart

As Paul was sailing to Rome on his last voyage, the ship and crew were caught in a ...

Opinion Columnists

How will, can Americans put our ‘house divided’ back together?

It is easy to read current social media posts and Tweets and conclude that American political division has ...


You matter

NOTE: The following column talks about suicide and prevention. We sat side-by-side on the steps in the stairwell ...


Is the inside clean?

We are leaving a memorable trip to North Carolina with a new appreciation for this mountainous state. It’s ...


With fear and trembling

“For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of the God; and if it ...

News - Main

How much is make-believe?

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.  On one of our trips to Washington, D.C. in ...

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