
Walsh, Sorrels to wed

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Walsh of Tupelo, and Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Guntharp of Amory, are pleased to ...


BRAG recognizes two January Artists of the Month

Brookhaven Regional Arts Guild had a tie for who would be Artist of the Month of January. Winners ...


Co-Lin MRT students win MSRT awards

Copiah-Lincoln Community College medical radiologic technology sophomores Isabell Ebbers of Brookhaven, left, and Kasea Nations of Wesson recently ...


Krewe of Ceres celebrates 50th anniversary with 2017 Charity Ball

The Krewe of Ceres is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the 2017 Charity Ball, to be held at ...


Butler, Fearn

Hiltrud Butler of Jackson, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Rebecca Butler, to Andy Fearn ...


Brookhaven physician Kim Sessums infuses new energy into Mississippi School of the Arts students

If you go: The Retrospective exhibition reception”Looking back at 40 years of Dr. Kim Sessums” will be Tuesday, ...


Greene, Bane

Hallie Bracknell Bane and James Whitridge Greene III were united in marriage Sept. 24, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. ...


Davis, Thornhill

Jeff and Bridget Davis, of Bogue Chitto, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Rachel Elaine ...


Loyd Star news

The Books of Psalms 40:4, Nahum 1:7 and Proverbs 3:5 speaks to mankind about the power of having ...


Concern from 7,647 miles away

While stationed in a war zone in Kabul, Afghanistan during 2012, I reached out to two bank professionals ...

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