Some resolutions to work to keep
Published 7:54 pm Saturday, January 4, 2014
As a new year begins, many find it a good time to make positive resolutions such as losing weight, exercising more, giving up bad habits, etc. Once made, many resolutions are quickly forgotten as the pressures of day-to-day life draw our attention away from our good intentions.
Last week, The Daily Leader’s online poll asked local residents to select their resolution for the Brookhaven area. Results, as viewed Saturday online, were interesting: new restaurants/dining options earned 52 percent of the votes, followed by new industry/new jobs, with 33 percent; new stores – more shopping, with five percent; and new park and recreation facilities with two percent. Eight percent of the respondents apparently didn’t find their pick among the multiple-choice answers and opted for the “other” category.
Unfortunately, the mere 66 online readers casting votes means the poll provided hardly enough of a sampling to reflect actual preferences in the local area, but the top two vote getters do seem to mirror popular opinion.
“New restaurants” was a rallying cry among those favoring last June’s local option liquor referendum, which passed overwhelmingly. Although the city is blessed with some great restaurants, many residents would like to see the abundance of chain-owned fast-food places balanced with some other chain-owned full-service restaurants. It’s been a long time since Cracker Barrel came to town, and Brookhaven’s location on a major interstate with three exits, including the very busy one on Brookway Boulevard, makes for some prime real estate that ought to entice more eateries into town.
While restaurants took the majority of the poll votes, new industry/new jobs earned second place, and that too is something greatly needed in our area. American Railcar expects to open for operations in May on Industrial Park Road, and the company’s expected 25-30 jobs at the new facility will be very welcome.
But there is a great need for even more new employment options for our residents. The huge Linbrook Business Park near the interstate stands ready and waiting for a major industry needing the 400 acres the site offers.
While resolutions are easy to make, achieving them takes hard work and dedication. When it comes to the kind of resolutions we suggested on our web poll, getting the job done will take a concerted effort from our city and county elected officials, our chamber of commerce and other leaders.
Each of us can help get the ball rolling by making our wishes for Brookhaven and Lincoln County’s future known to those who can help make a difference. Talk to your elected officials, attend board meetings, write a letter to the editor.
Let’s work together to make 2014 our best year ever.