Obituaries for Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 29, 2005
James Nolan Brister Sr.
Services for James Nola Brister Sr., of Athens, Ala., are 1 p.m.Wednesday, Nov. 30 at Spry Funeral Home Chapel in Athens withburial in Rose Hill Cemetery at 3 p.m. Thursday.
Visitation is today from 6 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mr. Brister, 89, died Nov. 27, 2005, at Huntsville Hospital. He wasborn in Bogue Chitto on June 30, 1916.
He was a chaplain in the Army and at the Veterans AdministrationHospital in Jackson. He was active with the Southern Baptist HomeMission Board and a volunteer of the Mississippi Southern BaptistAssociation and V.A. Nursing Home in Jackson. He was a graduate ofMississippi College and the Southern Seminary of Louisville, Ky. Hepastored churches in Virginia, Indiana and Mississippi and servedas interim pastor at two Mississippi churches. He was a formerchairman of deacons at Pinelake Baptist Church in Brandon and amember of First Baptist Church of Athens, Ala.
Survivors are his wife, Frances Brister, of Athens; his daughter,Mary Lynn Shadburn, of Corinth; his sons, James Nolan Brister Jr.,of Trinidad, Colo., and Tom Brister, of Athens; his grandchildren,Jennilyn McDaniel, Janalee Shadburn, Daniel Nolan Brister, JamesTravis Brister, Lindy Claire Brister, Brian Brister and TimothyNolan Brister; and two great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Gideon Memorial Bibles.
Amos ‘Shell’ Greer Sr.
Graveside services for Amos “Shell” Greer Sr., of Grand Prairie,Texas, were 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 28 at Grand Prairie MemorialGardens in Grand Prairie. Bean-Massey-Burge Funeral Home in GrandPrairie was in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Greer, 89, died Nov. 25, 2005, in Arlington, Texas. He was bornon Dec. 7, 1915.
He had worked for Armstrong Rubber and Tire Co., in Natchez,Chance-Vought in Grand Prairie, Martin Marrietta in Littleton,Colo., and retired in 1997 as a machine operator from Print Pak,Grand Prairie. He was a member of the Natchez Masonic Lodge andpast president of the National Materials Handling Society. He hadbeen a resident of Grand Prairie since 1953.
Preceding him in death were 12 siblings.
Survivors are his wife of 65 years, Hilda Greer, of Grand Prairie;his daughter and son-in-law, Linda and Les Smith, of Poway, Calif.;his son and daughter-in-law, Amos Jr. and Nancy Greer, of GrandPrairie; four grandchildren, Kay Lynn, Terry, Elisa and Amanda;four great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews and extendedfamily.
Richard Barry Hartzog
Graveside services for Richard Barry Hartzog, of Memphis, Tenn.,are 2 p.m. today, Nov. 29 at Masonic Cemetery in Monticello.
Visitation is today from 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at Wilson FuneralHome in Monticello.
Mr. Hartzog, 64, died Nov. 25, 2005, at Methodist Central Hospitalin Memphis, Tenn. He was born on Sept. 1, 1941, to Willie Hartzogand Genevieve Lee Hartzog.
He was a special events coordinator with the Memphis ZoologicalSociety. He was a hospice volunteer and a member of the MemphisZoological Society.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his brother, Scott Hartzog, of Natchez; and hissister, Johnnie Lea, of Brookhaven.
Helen Smith Rollins
Graveside services for Helen Smith Rollins, of Raymond, are 11 a.m.Wednesday, Nov. 30 at Lakewood Cemetery.
Visitation is today from 5 to 7 p.m. at Wright and Ferguson FuneralHome on High Street, and after 10 a.m. Wednesday.
Mrs. Rollins, 83, died Nov. 27, 2005, at Hospice Ministries inRidgeland. She was born in Bude.
She lived in Florence for many years before moving to Riggs Manorin Raymond two years ago. She worked for White Stores for about 10years. She was a member of the Church of God of Prophecy on RaymondRoad.
Preceding her in death was her husband Homer B. “Slim” Rollins in1999.
Survivors are her two sisters, Mackie Paschal, of Jackson, andAlice Byrd, of Shreveport, La.; and several nieces and nephews.