Parents must play vital role in schools

Published 5:00 am Monday, August 18, 2003

In her visit to Brookhaven Wednesday morning, Lt. Gov. Amy Tuckdiscussed the importance of quality education if the state is to besuccessful in recruiting industry. Her comments were not lost onthe chamber of commerce crowd that packed the arts schoolcafeteria. This area has put education at the top of our prioritylist for years.

Friday’s release of standardized test scores showed the effortsof area schools are paying off, but it also shows there is stillwork to be done. Two Lincoln County schools — Bogue Chitto andWest Lincoln — ranked among the best second grades in the statewith 100 percent of their students scoring top marks in math. WestLincoln also ranked as the best across the state in reading with 93percent of seventh graders making top marks.

These are great numbers, and our schools should be proud. Thesescores represent benchmark numbers on which the schools will bejudged in the future with new state and federal accountabilityrequirements of the No Child Left Behind education act. However,the work is just beginning, as now we must continue to meet — orbeat — these scores.

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In a letter from State Superintendent of Education HenryJohnson, he comments on the importance of the commitment ofstudents, parents, teachers, principals, administrators, schoolboards, business and political leaders to build on these testscores and continually improve educational performance.

As a community, we have certain responsibilities. As parents, wehave an even more vital role in this process. Our involvement isevery bit as important as that of the teachers who educate ourchildren. Parents for Public Schools offers some suggestions on howparents can help:

* Get a copy of your child’s Mississippi Curriculum Test orSubject Area Test score sheet and ask your child’s teacher todiscuss it with you, explaining your child’s strengths andweaknesses.

* Develop a plan with your child’s teacher that can be used athome and school for reinforcing the skills your child needs toimprove.

* Visit school regularly. Sit in on classes. Don’t wait untilthere is a problem to talk to your child’s teacher.

* Volunteer to serve on your school’s PTA organization.

* Hold elected officials accountable for quality schools.

The strong economic climate of the Brookhaven area is atestament to the importance of strong schools in recruitingbusiness and industry. It is also a testament to the commitmentthis area has made. Lt. Gov. Tuck was right on the mark in herpledge to continue to put education as the top priority on thestate’s agenda.

But the buck does not stop there. As parents we, too, need tobecome more involved in our schools and encourage others to do thesame. When we work together, the sky is the limit on what we canaccomplish.

Write to Bill Jacobs at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602, or send e-mail to