Historic Hardy home items featured during estate sale
Published 6:00 pm Friday, July 29, 2011
On Friday and Saturday, Captain J.C. HardyHome Estate will be for sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day at 205Natchez Ave.
Cartwright Estate Liquidations, Inc. is organizing the sale. PaulCartwright said the estate sale is a very rare opportunity.
“It’s kind of a once in a lifetime opportunity to get historicitems and early Brookhaven furniture,” he said.
There are a number of Civil War items, including Captain Hardy’siron knuckles.
Due to the interest in many of the Civil War items, Cartwright willbe conducting a silent auction on those items, but the rest will besold at list price. Cartwright said one of the best pieces is aRosewood Rococo Half Tester Bed.
“This is very fine furniture and a high profile family,” hesaid.
Cartwright said he anticipates a lot of interest because thewebsite has had around 4,000 hits.
There will also be a number of oil and watercolor paintings alongwith historic documents and old books for sale. There will also beold photographs available. Cartwright said a number of the piecesare comparable to what you would find in historic Natchezhomes.
“This is some of the best stuff I’ve sold in years, really,” hesaid.
Cartwright said a cousin of the Hardy’s, Tallulah Ragsdale, livedin the home.
She was an early Mississippi author. Her third published novel,”Miss Dulcie from Dixie,” was adapted into a film by WarnerBrothers in 1919. Photographs from the movie’s set have been foundand will also be included in the estate sale.
For those interested in attending the sale, they must keep in mindthat buyers will be responsible for moving the antiques themselves.Cartwright warned that things such as chandeliers and beds mayrequire prior knowledge to transport. He said anything related tothe house’s history will be available for sale.
“In small towns, there are always people who appreciate theirhistory,” he said.
Cartwright recommends visiting its website, estatesales.net, Fridaynight to see what will be available Saturday.
The home itself, built in 1877, is on the National Register ofHistoric Places and is one of nine houses Italianate town villa inMississippi. Cartwright said according to local folklore, JesseJames hid out in the home with Capt. Jack Hardy for more than twoyears.