58 captures MSU Alumni golf tournament
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 2, 2001
The team of Trent Maddox, Roger Maddox, David Ballard and LelandHinton shot a 14-under 58 Saturday to win the Mississippi StateAlumni Association’s Second Annual George C. Brown Memorial BulldogGolf Tournament. They won the 18-hole scramble at the BrookhavenCountry Club by one stroke.
Placing second was the team of David Gibson, Justin Estess,Clint Estess and Pete Dixon with a 59. They won a scorecard playoffover Ben Huey, Steve Huey, Ted Evans and George Hennington.
Twelve teams participated in the tournament which was proceedsgoing to the Lincoln County MSU Scholarship Fund.
Winning closest-to-the-hole awards were David Ballard on No. 4,Pete Dixon on No. 7, Greg Panzica on No. 9, Ryan Plotner on No. 12,Billy Walker on No. 15 and Mark LeBlanc on No. 17.
Two teams tied for fourth place at 60. They were ClintRounsaville, Tyler Easterwood, Greg Panzica, Jody Jordan and theteam of Cecil Estess, Carroll Smith, Charlie Davis, DonaldFoster.