Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 17, 2000
Amanda Lou Russell Beason
Services for Amanda Lou Russell Beason of Monticello are 10a.m., Friday, Aug. 18, at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial inMonticello Municipal Cemetery.
Visitation is Thursday, Aug. 17, from 5-9 p.m. at Wilson FuneralHome.
Mrs. Beason, 91, died Aug. 16, 2000, of heart failure atLawrence County Hospital. She was born in Monticello on Sept. 16,1908, to Pascal A. and Maggie Nelson Russell.
She was a former receptionist with Hartman-Wilson Funeral Homefor 23 years. She was a homemaker. She was a member of MonticelloBaptist Church, where she had been a Sunday school teacher.
Preceding her in death were her parents.
Survivors are her husband, Thomas C. Beason of Monticello; herson, Burnell Beason of Arm; her daughters, Genola Davis Barlow ofHazlehurst, Margaret Stokes of Monticello, Diann Berry of NewHebron, and Delma Wallace of Monticello; and 12 grandchildren, 17great-grandchildren and seven great-great-grandchildren.
Dororthy House Foster
Services for Dororthy House Foster of Vicksburg are 2 p.m.,Friday, Aug. 18, at Glenwood Funeral Home with burial in GreenAcres Memorial Park.
Visitation is noon until 2 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.
Mrs. Foster, 80, died Aug. 16, 2000, of cancer at her residence.She was a native of Yazoo County.
She was co-owner of 30 Minute Laundry for more than 35 years.She was a member of Woodlawn Baptist Church.
Preceding her in death was her husband, Thomas MelvinFoster.
Survivors are her son, Billy R. Foster of Vicksburg; herdaughters, Dorothy M. Blankenship of Gulfport and Pamela K. Corullaof Vicksburg; her sisters, Hattie Irene Howell of Bentonia andCatherine Cartwright of Brookhaven; and 10 grandchildren; 14great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren.
Rodrick D. Wells
Services for Rodrick D. Wells of Smithdale are at noon,Saturday, Aug. 19, at Franklin County High School Auditorium withburial in Rosehill Baptist Church Cemetery in Smithdale.
Visitation is Friday, Aug. 18, from 2-8 p.m. with family hourfrom 6-8 p.m. at Craft Funeral Home in McComb.
Mr. Wells, 17, died Aug. 14, 2000, of injuries sustained in anautomobile accident. He was born in Natchez on May 5, 1983, toShelia Ramsey Wells and Tommy Wells.
He was employed with B&B Foods in Meadville. He was a seniorat Franklin County High School, where he was on the basketballteam, was a member of the Beta Club, was selected to Who’s Who for1999-2000, was an honor student with a 3.3 GPA, and had perfectattendance.
He was a member of Rosehill Baptist Church, where he was amember of the church choir and youth department.
Preceding him in death was his grandfather, Clifton Ramsey.
Survivors are his mother, Shelia Ramsey Wells of Smithdale; hisfather, Tommy Wells of Jackson; his stepmother, Vonna Marie Wellsof Jackson; his brother, Tommy L. Wells Jr. of Jackson; hissisters, Tiaria Wells of Jackson, Latoya Montgomery, LatoyaRobinson, and Carlisha Wells, all of Woodville; his grandparents,Ray Ramsey of Smithdale and Augusta Hunter Wells of Woodville; andseveral aunts, uncles, family and friends.