County picks up after storms move through area
Published 6:00 am Thursday, March 24, 2005
A volunteer was injured Tuesday while helping clean up damage onhis road following a storm that unleashed high winds, hail andheavy rains on the county.
Freddie Herring was treated and released from King’s DaughtersMedical Center Tuesday with a deep laceration on his left hand,according to Stanley Greer, a neighbor and friend who witnessed theaccident.
Greer said Herring was attempting to cut up a tree that hadfallen across the road and onto some power lines. When he cut thetree, it kicked back and knocked Herring to the ground. The powersaw sliced into Herring’s hand, Greer said.
Herring’s injury is the only one attributed to a storm Tuesdaymorning that saw 60-70 mph winds rip through the Bogue Chitto, Ruthand East Lincoln areas, toppling trees and tearing down powerlines.
District Three Supervisor Nolan Earl Williamson this morningsaid a house trailer and two barns were damaged in the storm, inaddition to three structures he reported Tuesday.
Williamson also said Bogue Chitto Road, Hunters Road, PlateauLane, Topisaw Road, Misty Lane, Pleasant Hill Road, Somerset Lane,Pillars Trail, Rolling Meadows Lane, Grand View Lane and GladeTrail, among others, were all reopened Tuesday. The roads had beenclosed Tuesday morning when fallen trees blocked many of the roadsin the area.
Difficulties in reopening some of the roads were compounded lateTuesday afternoon when a second storm swept through the area, thesupervisor said.
“We had a bunch of hail late yesterday evening, about a 10 to 15minute hailstorm,” Williamson said. “We were cutting trees until 6or 6:30 last night.”
Fortunately, he said, trees appeared to suffer the only damage.He didn’t see any major damage to roadways caused by uprootedtrees.
Some cleanup efforts were hampered after the storm “knocked theantenna off the tank at the south repeater,” said Clifford Galey,Lincoln County Civil Defense director.
A radio company technician was not available to assist thecounty Tuesday, so Galey said he and some volunteers went to therepeater to repair it. They found a bracket that held the repeaterto the water tank had broken and moved the repeater to the handrailtemporarily.
Galey said he needed to contact the Topisaw Water Association,which owns the tank, to see if he can move it back onto the tower.He did not predict there would be a problem since the associationhas worked well with the county in the past and allows it to keepthe repeater on the tower at no cost.
Elsewhere in the state, a tornado touched down in DeSoto Countyon Tuesday, officials told The Associated Press.
Two businesses and 11 houses were reported damaged in OliveBranch, Mississippi Emergency Management Agency spokeswoman LeaStokes said.
A car was blown off a road during a storm, but the driver andpassengers reported only minor injuries and refused medicaltreatment at the scene.