Bogue Chitto couple join Angus assoc.
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 7, 2005
Lou & Denise Bordelon, of Bogue Chitto, are new members ofthe American Angus Association, reports John Crouch, executive vicepresident of the national breed registry organization in St Joseph,Mo.
The American Angus Association, with more than 34,000 activeadult and junior members, is the largest beef cattle registryAssociation in the world. Its computerized records include detailedinformation on more than 14 million registered Angus.
The Association records ancestral information and keepsproduction records on individual animals for its members. Thesepermanent records help members select and mate the best animals intheir herds to produce high quality, efficient breeding cattlewhich are then recorded with the American Angus Association. Mostof these registered Angus are used by the U.S. farmers and rancherswho raise high quality beef for U.S. consumption.