More candidates enter races in Lawrence, Franklin counties
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 13, 2003
The first full week of qualifying saw 11 more candidates inLawrence County qualify for August’s Democratic primaries.
Sixteen had qualified opening day, bringing the total number ofcandidates to 27.
In Franklin County, 13 have qualified for public office.
Neither county has registered a Republican thus far in theelection campaign.
The office of supervisor for District 5 saw the most activity inLawrence County with three qualifiers last week. The office becamevacant when incumbent Calvin Fortenberry announced he would retire.Mitchell Barnes, who qualified opening day, has been challenged byElijah Barnes Jr., James B. “Bo” Benson and Jimmy D. Speights forthe office.
Supervisor incumbents Glenn Grubbs, District 4, and CalvinRutland, District 3, qualified last week. Incumbents CareyHedgepeth, District 1, and Billy Joe Boutwell, District 2,qualified opening day and remain unopposed.
Tommy L. Carney and Russell Caudill have joined Tarvey Ward andAngela Calcote in vying for the vacant office of Superintendent ofEducation. Incumbent John Bull has also announced he willretire.
Tony R. Lambert and Claude H. Wallace have joined the race forconstable Post 2 against Tommy Barnett.
Incumbent Post 2 Constable David Tullos will be vying forsheriff against Incumbent Joel Thames. He is joined by Ellis D.Howell Jr. Early qualifiers for the office also included HoyteDampier.
Incumbent Donald G. “Donnie” Mullins has qualified to repeat asjustice court judge for Post 2. He is unopposed.
In Franklin County, incumbents Sheriff James Newman, ChanceryClerk Jimmy Jones, Circuit Clerk Millie Thornton, TaxAssessor/Collector Thomas “Jeff” Mullins, Superintendent ofEducation Lona B. Thomas, Justice Court Judges Ray Butch EmfingerJr., District 1, and Jerry “Pudgie” Crane, District 2, andConstable District 1 Shelton Earls have all qualified without achallenge.
No one has qualified for the post of District 1 supervisor norcoroner.
In county supervisor races, Chad Smith has qualified for theoffice of District 2 supervisor. Incumbent District 3 SupervisorGeorge Collins will face challenger Tullie Ford, incumbent District4 Supervisor W. Dennis Calcote will meet Robert L. Posey andincumbent District 5 Supervisor Charles C. Freeman will run againstM.L. Ezell.
Incumbent District 2 Constable Joe A. Spring has been challengedby David Blackwell.
The qualifying deadline for the 2004 election is Feb. 28 at 5p.m.