Board eyes courthouse parking plan
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 8, 2006
County supervisors may be ready to move forward on a pavedparking lot for the Lincoln County-Brookhaven GovernmentComplex.
During a meeting Monday, the board approved Chancery ClerkTillmon Bishop’s request to determine the costs of the project.
Bishop presented supervisors with a draft proposal for a pavedparking lot on Chickasaw Street that would provide parking for 72vehicles. The drawing also included several landscaped areas toimprove its aesthetic appeal.
Entrances to the lot would be on Chickasaw Street, Bishop said,because a small strip of private property separates county landfrom First Street.
“I’m just asking you to allow me to bid it to see how much itwould cost,” Bishop said. “You can approve it or shoot it downlater if you want.”
District Three Supervisor Nolan Earl Williamson questioned theneed for the parking lot and wondered if the money used to fund itsconstruction would not be better served on another project.
There is a need, Bishop said, citing complaints from severalcourthouse employees and visitors about the lack of parking. Theneed is especially apparent on days when court is in session, hesaid.
The board will consider constructing the parking lot once itscost has been determined.
In a separate matter, the county approved a payment of $17,500for its half of a $35,000 fee for Solid Waste Consultant ButchLambert’s help on a new garbage pick-up contract. The city approvedits $17,500 payment Tuesday.
The county’s garbage collection contract with Waste Managementexpires Aug. 14, and the city’s also expires this month. However,the company has agreed to provide a 60-day extension with the sameassociated fees applied to the existing contract.
Lambert’s assistance is needed with a Request For Proposals(RFP) in which garbage companies would submit information on theirservices and fees.
Lambert said he hopes to tie the city and county proposalstogether to secure a better contract with a waste managementcompany when the new contract is bid.