Town officials clash over raises
Published 5:00 am Friday, April 8, 2005
WESSON – Efforts to give raises to two town employees resultedin a heated discussion during the monthly meeting of the mayor andboard of aldermen.
Alderman Hollis Cowen Jr. asked at Tuesday’s meeting that thecity request an attorney general’s opinion on the timeliness of apay raise vetoed by Mayor Alton Shaw.
Cowen claimed Shaw acted improperly when he waited 23 days afterreceiving the March board meeting minutes to veto the $4-per-hourpay raise of Town Hall employee Ann James. The alderman said theallowed time for a veto is 10 days – or 15 days if an extension isgranted.
In his response, Shaw referred to a recent phone conversationwith a special assistant in the attorney general’s office who toldhim his actions were acceptable.
Cowen said he did not understand why Shaw vetoed the raise whenhe had requested an $8-an-hour raise for Public Works Director MarkBrown during a February special called meeting. The alderman saidShaw knew that Cowen and alderman Robert Derrick would absent.
“You had it in the middle of the day where we could not attend,”Cowen told the mayor, adding that all board members should havebend present to discuss the important matter.
Shaw maintained that three competent people, elected by thetown, were present to consider the matter.
“I’m sorry we can’t put the entire town’s business on hold foryou,” Shaw said, explaining that the meeting was held at shortnotice because Brown had turned in his resignation to accept a$40,000 position at a water department in Canton.
Derrick was opposed to the raise as well. He said that Canton’sincome was 10 times more than Wesson’s income, therefore they couldpay their employees more.
“Let’s not just pay him what some other community has offered,”said Derrick, also pointing out that Brown would have more jobresponsibilities in Canton.
The discussion continued with references to other job paydifferences between Wesson and Canton. Cowen said the public worksjob is not worth $19.70 an hour in Wesson.
“The jobs do not compare,” Cowen said.
Brown withdrew his resignation and accepted the raise inFebruary. Shaw explained that he believes the town will save moneybecause they were able to let one employee go in the restructuringof the water/street department.
The mayor ended the conversation saying he would write to theAttorney General and have Cowen look over the letter before he sentit off.
It was announced that Saturday was Copiah County Cleanup Day anda Dumpster would be placed in front of town hall for residents.
Materials not allowed in the Dumpster will be sawdust, pallets,wood, paneling, flooring, roofing materials, construction sitewaste, motor or transmission oils, paint, volatile liquids,asbestos, pesticides and herbicides.
Residents will be allowed to place tires, batteries, empty paintcans and empty pesticide containers beside the Dumpster.